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      "Megan, hurry up!" my mother said hurriedly. "Why? What's wrong?" I question looking worried. "I just want the best for you. I hope one day you understand and you can forgive me and your father." She sobbed "Leave now, while you still can" she completed looking at me sternly.

"If you don't tell me why, I won't go anywhere!" I said angrily, indirectly demanding for an answer.

I was upset and confused and angry even. I was being chased from my home and didn't know why. What was happening? I needed to know.

I rather die than abandon my parents when I could help. Whatever it was, I was determined to help.

"Look, there's no time now, but I promise I'll explain later. It's the cops, when you grow up, you'll understand" my mom answers, withholding tears in her eyes.

"Mom, will I ever see you again?" I asked with mixed emotions.

I couldn't cry. I had to be strong for them even though I had no idea what was going on.

"Go now, and never look back. I swear I'll make it up to you, follow your brother" I had known my dad for five years, and I had never seen him like this. His behavior to whatever was going on was what scared me most. He didn't laugh about it or tell my mom she was overreacting like he normally would.

I was speechless; I didn't know whether to try getting answers again or start running but tears filled with sadness slowly rolled down my cheeks, and I couldn't do anything but nod my head and cry.

That was the last memory I had of my parents. I and my brother ended up in a orphanage. I got adopted at the age of 10, they wanted a naive little girl, but little did they know what they got.

I was anything but innocent and fragile and I definitely wasn't naive.

I and my brother got separated, but that didn't bother me one bit...


A/N: So this is a new entry to the ONC, another one by me. I know its kinda last minute but why not. I wanted multiple entries, might as well have two. The book is going to be a short story and the capters are most likely to be short as well; so i plan on relasing loads at once also in case of time. This is the third book I'm writing so the updates every now and then might be slow, for any one of them. The prompts I'm using are: 51. The problem with red flags is that I'm attracted to them.

And 62. Hell is empty and the devil's are here.

I hope you guys enjoy reading this book and follow me up on my other books as well

The Devil's Spawn And I (Ongoing)

The Winged Child- ONC 2023 (Ongoing)

Luv u <3

Lust For Blood - ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now