Chapter Ten

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Andreas hadn't slept in almost two days, but he didn't feel tired yet. He was rather on edge the entire flight and in his head were playing multiple scenarios in which he went through what could happen.

The flight wasn't long – two hours maximum –, and he wanted to distract himself. Before he could do anything, he was interrupted by Gaz
"What will you do, once we get there?"
"I'm not completely sure yet. But they all know that Este and I almost lived together. Our houses were next to each other, but he was at my house almost all the time. Maybe if they see me, they will give me some information. If not, I still have the keys to his house, maybe we'll find something there."

Gaz could see that Andreas wasn't sure of his plan, but it was their only chance to find out what Este had found.

The helicopter landed not much later and the two soldiers were greeted by warm and sunny weather.

A person approached them as soon, as they were out of the helicopter. Andreas immediately recognized the person and saluted.
"Maggiore Fusco."
("Major Fusco")
"Sergente Marione. È bello vederti vivo. Come stai?"
("Sergeant Marione. It's good to see you alive. How are you?")
"Le mie ferite sono guarite bene. Ma credo che sappiate perché sono qui. Questo è il mio amico Sergeant Gaz."
("My wounds have healed well. But I think you know why I am here. This is my friend,, Sergeant Gaz.")

The major nodded and then turned to Gaz
"Welcome to Italy Sergeant."
"Thank you Major."

Gaz nodded and looked around. The base was near a river and next to a mountain. He had never been to Italy, which meant he had no idea where they were.

He followed the two Italian soldiers into the base, still looking around checking his surroundings. Soon enough they arrived at the Major's office and they sat down.

"I think we should discuss this in English, for Gaz's sake.", Andreas said with a small smile and Gaz nodded thankfully. He understood a few words, but that was it and he was thankful, that Andreas thought of him.

"Okay. You probably want to know what has happened with Este's belongings."
Andreas answered with a nod.

"We found his will, that he had wrote a few weeks before his death. I don't think it surprises you, that he wanted to give you most of his things. There was also a key with it. The general ordered to give both things to you."

Andreas hadn't known about the will and it touched his heart. But he had an idea what the key was for. They had built a secret room in Este's house together, where they had stored important things.

"What about Fabiano Bruno?", he then asked
"He is still with the mafia. We don't know why exactly he turned, but we are on it. As far as we know, he is working as a hitman for them."

A small sigh escaped Andreas' lips. And while Gaz couldn't see his entire face, he could read his eyes, in which he saw the sadness in his eyes. It was still affecting Andreas badly and Gaz felt sorry for the soldier.

The conversation lasted for another half an hour, in which Andreas and the major talked about Andreas' transfer to the 141. At first the major wasn't too happy about it, but he had to realize that Andreas wouldn't change his mind. Giving in, he called Price, talking it through with him.

Finally the major gave him the papers for his transfer. Andreas' eyes lit up and he thanked the major, who pulled him into a half hug
"Be careful Sergeant. May you find your peace with Captain Price's unit."

He nodded and Gaz and him left the office. Even though Andreas' eyes shone in happiness, Gaz could see the exhaustion in them.

The major followed them outside and waved them goodbye. He had turned over to talk with a Lieutenant, that was standing just outside of the building.

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