Chapter Six

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Now that Roach was alone with Ghost, he began to inspect the room. The room itself wasn't big and obviously abandoned for a long time. He imagined that it once had been a beautiful small house for one or two people. But the wood, from which the house was made of, was rotten and parts of the roof were missing.

Roach closed his eyes for a second and smiled under his mask. He was glad that Andreas had found them and brought them here.

His hands were still shaking, for which he blamed the blood loss and his eye lids felt heavy. He knew that he needed to rest, but he couldn't bring himself to sleep and feel vulnerable, so he repositioned himself on the side of the bed and grabbed Ghosts wrist. He needed to feel his pulse, so he wouldn't worry himself out of his mind.

His eyes fell on the old clock, that was somehow still working, and he tried to figure out when Price would arrive. He didn't know how much time had passed, since they had called him, but he prayed that he would arrive soon.

Ghosts slow but steady pulse calmed him to an extent. It was a reminder, that besides their bad situation, they were both still alive.

With a sigh he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He didn't know how long his body could keep on going, before he would lose consciousness again. He had gone over the limits of his body before, but this was on another level and he hoped that Andreas would return to the house soon.

He was still deep in thought, when he heard the door open again. Instinctively he raised the gun, Andreas had given him and aimed at the door, ready to shoot. His body tensed up again and he tried to stand up, but gave up the effort when his leg almost gave up under his body. Instead he sat on the bed and shielded Ghost with his own body.

He could hear heavy steps on the old, creaking wood floor and he raised the gun higher. His arm was shaking slightly and he cursed himself slightly.

The door to the bedroom, slowly opened without the knock pattern and Roach hoped that Andreas would return soon. He was still capable of fighting, but he didn't know for how long he could defend him and Ghost, before his body would give up.

The door was now fully open and Roach immediately recognized the patch, that was sitting on the bullet proof vest. It was one of Shepherds soldiers, who was looking down on him, the mask he would normally wear, pulled over his head and a sick smile on his lips.

The two soldiers just stared at each other for a few seconds, before the soldier began to speak, his voice sounding like someone was scratching on a blackboard with his nails.
"Well well well. Looks like you two are too stubborn to die. Shepherd was correct then, that someone saved you. Tell me who and I may let you go. Oh right, I forgot, your throat was attacked and you don't really talk anymore," the soldier laughed and Roach could feel his body tense even more, "And let me guess, the smoke damaged it just more and you can't talk at all right now, maybe never again. I can make this quick and painless. I can release you and Ghost from your suffering. Or you can try and resist and I will make it painful for you. Either way you will die here. I know you want to fight me and defend your friend, but look at you. You are pathetic. Can't even walk or let alone stand on your own two feet."

The more the soldier spoke, the more angry Roach got. He was hitting all his weak spots and Roach wished nothing more than just stand up and shoot the soldier right between his eyes.

Instead Roach continued to stare at the man, trying not to let emotion shine through his eyes. Everything in him screamed to just kill the man in front of him, but something stopped him.

Apparently the soldier seemed to know exactly what Roach was thinking and continued to tease and laugh at him
"Aww and you want to be one of the best the 141 has to offer? How cute. Can't even shoot me, when you have a gun in your hand. You are just pathetic and weak. You are disgracing the 141 with your hesitation. Any other would've killed me already. They wouldn't have waited for me to come that close."

Roach could feel the anger rise in him and he ignored the stabbing pain in his body, as he grabbed a wooden beam, that was next to the bed, and lifted himself off the bed, while continuing to point the gun at the soldier, who laughed again and asked teasingly

"You need help getting up? You just have to give me the word."

That was the final straw for Roach and he pulled the trigger. The bullet found its way in the soldiers abdomen, right where Shepherd had shot him. But the soldier just continued to smile at him.

Roach fired two more shots into the soldiers body. One between his ribs, close to his heart, and another one right between his eyes.

Blood was splattering over the wooden door frame and the floor, and soaking what was left of Roach's clothes.

He looked down on the soldier and sighed, while he sat back down on the chair. His left hand immediately found Ghosts wrist again, needing the weak but steady pulse to ground him. He let his head fall on the old mattress and listened to the shallow breathing.

He felt his shoulders relax a little bit and sighed. He felt even more tired now and hoped that Price would be there soon, so that he could let his body rest.

Suddenly he heard steps again and his head shot up, while grabbing the gun, that he had put on the ground next to him. He knew that the shots weren't quiet, as Andreas didn't have a silencer with him.

He also knew that if it were more of Shepherds men, he was screwed. He was on the verge of passing out again and he only had three bullets left.

The steps came closer and Roach's body tensed up again, while he waited for the person to come around the corner.

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