Chapter Three

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After a few minutes Andreas returned with a pen and a dusted notebook in his hands. He pulled a chair closer and sat next to Roach, while handing him both things.
"I checked on your friend. The bleeding has stopped and I was able to stitch him up. Now we just have to wait, until he wakes up."

Roach nodded and wrote down
Thank you for saving us.

Andreas just nodded and said
"It's my duty as medic. I promised myself to at least try and save everyone, that I see getting injured. Even if I don't know them, like you two. I have a question tho. What is your name?"

With still shaky hands, Roach wrote
My name is Roach

"Nice to meet you Roach.", Andreas smiled warmly, before he continued, "Do you have someone you trust, that we can try to contact?"

Roach nodded and wrote down
Yes. Our captain. John Price

"John Price? I think my old unit leader knew him. At least he talked about someone named Price quite often.", Andreas said, deep in thought, "I'll go and get you some water, so your throat can heal faster. Then we'll try and contact him, okay?"

Roach nodded and Andreas left him again. He had noticed a sad tone in Andreas' voice when he talked about his unit leader, but he left it uncommented. Until for now. He would try and find out why later.

It took a few minutes, but finally Andreas returned with a metal pot.
"I'm sorry, but I don't have fresh water. I had to boil it to be safe. But it's better than nothing right?"
Andreas tried to lift the mood a little bit and Roach felt himself smiling a little bit.

They sat in silence for a little while, Roach slowly drank the water. His ribs and the bullet wound were hurting, but he didn't want to admit it at first.

Andreas seemed to notice and asked
"Should I look for some painkillers? Sorry, I had to perform CPR on you too and I accidentally broke at least two of your ribs. When I came back to you out there, you didn't breathe and had no pulse."

It's okay. You did what you had to do. I thank you for that. I would appreciate if you had some painkillers. It's not my first bullet wound and I doubt it'll be my last, but my first that I received by someone I thought I could trust.

Andreas nodded and stood up again. His first aid kit was still in the room, where Ghost was laying, still unconscious and his pulse weak, but at least he had a pulse and was still breathing.

Quickly he found the painkillers and checked the stitches before he left the room again. The smell of blood was still permanent in the room and Andreas made a mental note to open the windows later.

When he came back, Roach was looking out of the window. At first sight it looked like he was bored and tried to distract himself, but Andreas knew that look all to well. He was processing what had happened and tried to understand it.

He carefully knocked on the door, as he didn't want to startle Roach. He knew how jumpy he had been after the attack. Still Roach flinched slightly but looked up at Andreas.
"Your friend is still breathing. His pulse and breathing is a bit weak, but that's normal. I brought you the painkillers. If you want, and if you feel strong enough, you can come with me and take a look."

Roach nodded and took the painkillers. Then he took the notebook and quickly wrote
Can we first check on Ghost and then call Price? Nothing against you, but I want out of this shithole

Andreas laughed out loud and agreed with him
"I get that. I may be a medic, but I don't have the right tools at hand to help you correctly. Does your radio still work? If not we can either use your friends or mine."

I think it still works. Heard Price's voice, before I passed out. He tried to warn us

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