Chapter Four

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The painkiller kicked in a few minutes later and Roach tried to stand up on his own. He didn't like that he had to depend on a man he had just met, but after a few attempts he had to realize, that he needed Andreas' help.

Andreas was at his side immediately, as Roach lost his balance.
"You have lost quite some blood. It'll take a while, until you will regain your normal strength. I know you maybe don't trust me just yet, but believe me, I just want to help."

Roach nodded and leaned on Andreas. His legs felt wobbly and everything was spinning. With small steps they walked towards the bedroom, the smell of blood getting more intense by the second.

It took nearly half an hour until they reached the bedroom door. Roach was on the verge of passing out and everything was spinning. Again Andreas noticed it and wordlessly handed him the pot of water.

Then he opened the door and slowly walked towards the bed. Roach felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders the second he saw Ghost chest rise and fall. Andreas hadn't been lying when he said, that his breathing was slow.

"Do you want to sit down? You can check his pulse.", Andreas asked quietly and Roach nodded

As soon as he sat down, he carefully grabbed Ghosts wrist. His pulse was slow but steady and he released a breath he didn't know he was holding. For a second he closed his eyes and breathed in and out deeply.

Then he looked back at Andreas, who still stood at the door, watching both closely.
"How is his pulse? Still steady?"

Roach gave him a thumbs up and Andreas' shoulders wore off. He then extended his hand and Andreas carefully pulled him up and asked
"Do you want to call Price now? Or do you want to wait until you have slept for a while?"

When he didn't answer, Andreas noticed his mistake. The notebook was still laying on the sofa and Roach just glared at him. He facepalmed and they slowly made their way back to the sofa.

He had to admit, that he was pretty tired, but he did not want to sleep just yet. He wanted to call Price first and let him know that they were out of danger and that he would try and get them home.

Finally they returned at the sofa and Roach grabbed the notebook and wrote
I want to call Price first. I want to know us in safety. Like you said Ghost needs medical attention. I wont be able to sleep until I know that he will properly taken care of.

Andreas nodded and asked
"What is his call sign?"

Quickly he wrote
It's Bravo-Six

"Then he is definitely the one my Captain was talking about. He liked your Captain. I don't know how they met, he never told me, but he always said, that if I ever meet him somehow, he is the one I could trust the most."

Then you had a wise Captain.
Roach wrote with a small smile and looked up to where Andreas was standing.

"Yeah. It's a shame what happened. He was a great man. And one day, I will avenge him and the rest of my unit. I will kill the man that betrayed us. Only then I will know peace."

While he was talking, Andreas' eyes were shining with unshed tears, before he grabbed the radio and searched through the channels.

He searched for a while until Roach grabbed it and went to the right channel. Andreas nodded and took it. He breathed in and out deeply, before he pressed the button and said
"Bravo-Six, this is Caesar Five-Three. Do you copy? I repeat: Bravo-Six, this is Caesar Five-Three. Do you copy?"

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