5. The Lie

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posting TWO chapters today because i will not be able to post one tomorrow :)


On Thursday I had to find the right time to break it to Tyler that I had other "obligations" that Friday. I was pretty quiet the whole day, barely talking to Sam and Liz. When the end of the day finally rolled around and it was my last chance to give him the bad news I walked down the hall with Tyler to the band room.

I took a deep breath and started, “Tyler, I was really excited about seeing Half-Blood Prince tomorrow, but I have some bad news--” I paused to see if he was listening. He seemed a bit like he knew what was coming. His head was turned like he was listening. “Well...” I continued, “Something came up--family stuff, and we might have to re-schedule the movies," I felt dirty lying.

He nodded looking disappointed.

Then pulled himself together enough to say, “Family is family. I understand. Maybe next week.” He sounded pretty upset, but did a good job hiding it. Too bad I knew him well.

The expression on his face was painful to look at. I had totally blown him off. This was not a good feeling. We headed to the bus stop. As we walked outside I could not stop feeling so guilty, for bailing and lying to him. We said “bye” for the day and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. That might have been the worst part; it was a sign that something was going to pull us apart. So he had to take that chance to kiss me. I held back tears the bus ride home.

When I got in my house they poured out. Why was it that I always found myself crying? I think because I was not excepting that I had done a bad thing. I hardly did things like this. I felt horrible. Like I had sewn my heart together delicately, and then I ripped it to shreds myself. With little pictures of Tyler being torn at my feet. This may be the end.

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