Chapter 11: Radha

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All I could say was..., woah. I rubbed my eyes, wondering if I was imagining the sight before me or if it was actually real. (And before you ask, yes I am the type of person to pinch myself to make sure it's real).

"Holy shit, this is one heck of a place," I heard Jay mutter behind me.

In front of us was an architectural piece so fascinating that I can't possibly describe it in words. Imagine the Taj Mahal, but with a modern twist. That's what it looked like. Pure white marble carved with the most intricate designs. Damn, Deepika Didi really knew what she wanted when she decided to get married.

"Close your mouth, Radha, you look more like a cow then you normally do," Jay said, brushing past me as he dragged his suitcase to the giant glass door with golden embellishments. I was too tired to fight with Jay right now, so I just did as I was told, (ok, maybe I whined about his comment a little bit first), but I eventually got to talk about my suitcase, thank our driver, and follow Jay into the building.

"We're here for Deepika and Rohan's destination wedding," Jay said to the young secretary, ruffling his hair and giving her one of his "I'm charming" smiles. (eyeroll)

"Oh I see, and you are Mr and Mrs... ?" the secretary tilted her head.

"OH NO, we're minors. Our parents came in a day earlier, we're just here to join them," I rushed to intervene. Jesus, what's with everyone thinking me and Jay are together??

"Ah, I see," the secretary laughed. "I just can't imagine why any girl would say no to a young man like this though," she smiled at Jay.

Jay winked at her, saying "Well, I'm single as of right now darling..., so..."

I rolled my eyes, but what was that deep feeling in my stomach? Jealousy? And why was he calling her darling? That's my nickname that he calls me, even though I hate it! Just because I don't like it doesn't mean he can go around calling every other girl that... Wait what the heck? Why do I care what he calls other girls?

"Ehm, can we go now?" I cleared my throat, getting the secretary's attention again. Jay chuckled while she got us our keys to our parent's rooms.

"Have a nice stay!" the secretary said to Jay a little too cheerful to my liking.

Jay looked at me with a smirk. "Oh yes, I definitely plan to have a good time here." 

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