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You recharged your flashlight and walked out of the room, you were careful not to get noticed by the bot so you walked around the bot.

Going up the stairs you realized that Chica had found you so you stunned her using the Fazer Blaster. Good thing you still had it.

The place was big and open meaning those weird things could be anywhere, you waited for the bot to walk away before you went over the odd bridge.

Freddy then came at you so you began running down the steps and you then realized you had seen one of those levers earlier near DJ Music Man.

Music Man was still asleep so you walked past him and pushed the lever, you hoped it'd do something beneficial to you.

Once you turned back around you noticed DJ Music Man wasn't there anymore.

"Great job. Safety protocols deactivated." The console spoke

You ran off.

"Please reset all circuit breakers to all zones. Three zones remain. Janitorial service, Arcade." You didn't catch that last part

You were too fixated on the DJ who was climbing around the walls like a real spider, he's gonna be a big problem now that he's on free roam.

The stairs came into your view so you away from them and you ran around the arcade so that bots didn't stop you, DJ music man didn't seem too hostile but better safe than sorry.

A lever was on a wall so you pulled it.

"Two zones remain." It said

You then began to run around quickly as you saw Music Man going in and out of the holes in the walls, creepy.

A security bot looked around so you immediately stunned Chica and ran around the place to get away from her, where were the other ones?

You saw a few more stairs and looked around before seeing a bathroom which you quickly walked in, a door on the other side of the bathroom was opened so you walked in and saw another one of those levers.

You pushed it down and opened the door back up.

"One zone remains." The console said

You were about to walk out but Music Man stuck his hand inside, you saw him peeking in so you ran out from the other door and you stunned Chica before noticing Music Man backing off.

Using the stairs you saw earlier you ran up to the next floor n the arcade, you knew that it'd be pretty hard to find but you didn't really care.

The top of the arcade was almost impossible to navigate since everywhere you looked there were bots and or animatronics attempting to catch you.

Music Man crawled around the walls and when you turned a bot had you in its grasp, you kicked the bot and it set you free although Chica began to run at you.

You turned around quickly and stunned Chica using the Fazer Blaster before running off and going to hide in an odd red and yellow box.

Something you used earlier, way earlier.

You checked the cameras and didn't see any bots walking around but you also didn't see and levers that you could pull. Were you blind?

It shouldn't be hard to find a lever.

You hopped out of the box and walked to the other side of the arcade on the top floor using the bridge before you spotted where you needed to go. A red door with a lever near it.

Chica came at you so you ran off from the lever, you grabbed your Fazer Blaster and quickly shot at her which stunned her.

Chica forgot about you once she got back to her senses so you ran off and went over to the lever, the red door was in your view.

You flipped the lever and the console came on, you noticed Music Man crawling away into one of the illuminated tunnels.

"Almost done. There is a software update available. Reset the final circuit breaker located at the south end of the arcade hallway." The console stated

You ran to where you were earlier and you walked through the door, you saw a lever so you flipped it.

A noise could be heard from the large tunnel and you saw Music Man coming out, he was obviously hostile.

Music Man began to throw things so you started to run, he threw many objects which you were worried about, you then ran through the door and into the office where you'd repair the head.

Music Man backed off, he most likely went back through the tunnel.

You opened a small compartment and placed the head inside before closing it, you heard a small ding. Like a bell.

"Great job! Take that head back to Roxy Raceway." Monty congratulated

You grabbed the head and walked out carefully and quietly, you didn't want to disturb Music Man again. That would mean death and death only.

You walked down the steps and back onto the main floor so that you could recharge your flashlight, you recharged it and stepped back into the elevator.

The music in the elevator played and it was way better than hearing Music Man play intense music that scares practically everything out of you.

You ended up near the main stage and you saw Roxy so you shot her in the eyes before going back down the other escalator.

Roxy Raceway was on the other side of the place so you'd need to get there next so that you can meet up with Monty and go use the raceway.

You kind of wanted to decommission Roxy but not in front of him and you didn't want to tell him the truth about how you decommissioned Chica.

You couldn't even tell if he believed you or not, reading an animatronics expression was way harder than a persons.

Especially when that certain animatronic has sunglasses and you can barely see his eyes through them but you didn't complain, they were pretty nice sunglasses.

Anyone and everyone who has seen them could say that, they suit Monty well too due to the colours he has on his metal.

Green and purple did go well together, especially when it's quite vibrant and no where near a dull colour.

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