Chapter 1: Goodbyes and Surprises

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Chapter 1: Goodbyes and Surprises

A/N And I'm finally back! Yay! Sorry for the sort of long hiatus between this story and the last. It's just I haven't really been inspired to write lately. What has changed that is that I recently have been doing a lot of HP related stuff including getting all of the illustrated copies of the books that are out plus the MinaLima Editions of the first 2 books. I also got an HP 1000-piece puzzle of the Marauders map that I am slowly but surely making my way to finishing. So, really, I've been doing a lot of Harry Potter stuff and felt it time to revisit this because the sooner I finish this story, the sooner I get to the next stories that I am looking forward to writing. Also, another reason I put off starting this story was because I wasn't exactly sure where I wanted to start it. But after contemplation, I finally decided and now here we are. I am going to try and have several of the chapters outlined by the time I finish this chapter like I had done for the first book in this series. So, hopefully this story is updated sooner rather than later. Anyway, enjoy!

Summary: As the Hogwarts Express pulls away from platform 9 3/4 the Marauders and Lily are looking forward to their future outside of Hogwarts. The first day though, turns out much more eventful than they thought it would be.

~~~~~LINE BREAK~~~~~

"Wait Peter, before you go, might I suggest something?" Jasmine, or Jaz as Remus and Peter called her, asked of the group. Peter, who had started to make his way towards his parents, came back, though he hadn't gone very far.

"What is it, Jazzy?" James asked.

"Since our first Order meeting likely won't be for several days from now, I thought it would be nice to have you all over to see mine and Sirius's new house that we bought," Jaz said, glancing at Sirius, who gave her a nod and a smile. "It can be like a housewarming party. It wouldn't be for a few days, though, as we both need to go pack our stuff up and move it to the house. Plus, I wanted to spend some time with my Aunt and Uncle before I move away. So, how does that sound?"

The group agreed with Jaz's plan to meet up at their new house in about 2 days' time. They all felt a sense of excitement at the thought of seeing each other again and catching up on all that had happened since they last saw one another.

"Sounds great, Mina," Lily said.

"Me neither, Jazzy," James added, squeezing Lily's hand.

"Brilliant idea, Mare," Sirius grinned, kissing Jaz on the cheek. He couldn't wait to see what they would be doing with the place that would soon be his and Jasmine's.

"And I'll bring the drinks, Jaz," Peter added excitedly.

"And I'll bring the snacks, Jaz," Remus said with a chuckle. "As I'm sure that you won't likely have any food yet."

"That's all great. So, it's settled. I'm sure that most of you will be able to get there by floo, so our floo location name is 'The Enchanted Home.' You'll find out why that is when you come over. It's really a rather magical house," Jasmine said. The rest of the group nodded in understanding. "Great, so we will see you all at around 5/6 pm at our house in about 2 days."

As the group of six friends bid each other farewell, again, James pulls Lily into a tight embrace, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll miss you, Lils," he whispers, holding her close. "But don't worry, I'll see you soon for our date."

Lily blushes, smiling up at James. "I'll miss you too, James. And I wouldn't miss our date for the world." She leans in, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before they reluctantly part.

Sirius and Jasmine are also saying their goodbyes, with Sirius pulling her into a passionate kiss. "See you soon, Mare," he whispers against her lips.

Jasmine smiles, feeling her heart flutter at the thought of being reunited with her friends and boyfriend in a few days time. "I can't wait, Pads. See you soon."

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