Chapter Sixteen: Undressed

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Heedless of Shelly's state of undress, or of her own, Lisa rushed forward and crouched to give her best friend a hug. "I'm so glad to see you again," Lisa said.

Shelly returned the hug, wrapping her arms around Lisa's back. "M—me too!" she stammered. "Where were you? What happened? How did you get back? Nice tan!"

Lisa sighed. "It's a long story. And it's not over yet." She released the hug and held Shelly's bare shoulders at arm's length. "Not by a long shot."

"We were really worried about you, Lis," Shelly said. "When Debra turned up and you didn't, I thought..."

"Debra's here?" Lisa asked. "She's okay?"

"Well..." Shelly furrowed her brows. "She's alive, but there's the... what is that?"

Lisa looked down at the pile of clothes under Shelly's butt. A light was flashing in the midst of it, and there was a faint sound of vibration. "It's your phone!"

"Oh!" she exclaimed, fishing around in the pockets of her discarded jeans. She pulled out the phone. "It's Debra!" she said, sliding her finger to answer and putting the call on speaker.

"Hello?" asked the voice over the phone. It was tinny and indistinct, but unmistakably Debra. "Shelly? Are you okay? You weren't picking up!"

"Debra!" exclaimed Lisa. "You're alive!"

There was a brief pause.

"Lisa? Is that you?"

"Yes! I'm here with Shelly."

"How did you—never mind, not over the phone. Shelly, listen, this is going to sound crazy, but Bethany came into our room and put a curse on Claire. The bitch from the party. I had no idea she was a witch!"

Shelly and Lisa were silent, not sure where to start.

"Anyway, she'd probably coming after you next! I've been trying to get through to you for like twenty minutes, so I don't know how much time you have, but—"

"Too late," said Shelly, looking down at her unsupported breasts. "She got me."

"Fuck!" replied Debra. "Okay, well, at least you're back now, Lisa. I guess that means we don't need to go looking for you any more. But we do need to do something about this Bethany situation."

"Roger that," said Lisa.

"Shelly, what curse did she put on you?"

Shelly looked confused. "Uh... same as Lisa, I think. She came into my room, said a bunch of weird words and moved her fingers around, then there was a flash of green light, and then I suddenly felt like all my clothes were three sizes too small."

"Awesome!" replied Debra.

"What?!" snapped Shelly, clutching her knees to her chest. "This is NOT awesome!"

There was an awkward pause.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have put it like that. This sucks for you, I know. But if it's the same curse as Lisa's, that means you can leave your room. Which is not the case for me and Claire."

Shelly gasped. "Leave my room! Like this?!"

From the other end of the line there came a long, exasperated sigh. "I really hate to do this to you, but we've got to have a meeting, now. Especially if Lisa's back. I've got some new spells you both need to see. You've got to get to us somehow."

Shelly whimpered.

"Hey," Debra continued, "you've got expert help from the most experienced streaker on campus! Lisa will find a way to get the both of you to our room discreetly."

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