Chapter Eight: Undetected

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Colin led Lisa on a winding path through the trees and up to another break in the fence, looking over his shoulder every now and then to ensure she was keeping up. Lisa maintained her crouch, kept her arms firmly crossed over her breasts, and gave him a withering look every time his gaze lingered slightly too long.

"We're here," he said, indicating a large hole in the chickenwire, bigger than the one Lisa had initially come through. Lisa stood just behind him, willing him not to turn around or look back again.

"Ladies fir—" Colin started, then blushed as he realized what he was saying.

"Nice try," Lisa replied. "Go through and make sure there's no-one around. If it's all clear, give me the okay symbol."

Colin obediently crouched down and slid through the hole in the fence. He took a few paces out of the garden, toward the road. Lisa watched as he turned his head one way and then the other, and then signalled that it was clear for her to proceed. All without looking behind him. He was learning.

After taking a deep breath, Lisa resumed her crouch and passed through the hole in the fence. Up until now, she had been trekking through dense foliage, which, while treacherously slow-going, afforded her a lot of coverage. Outside of the garden, that would change. With Colin's help, she may avoid being seen, but she'd need to dart between coverings, which could end up being massively far apart. For now, she hid behind a bush on the other side of the fence.

"I'm through," she said in a harsh whisper. "Come here, we need to figure out the next part."

Colin walked over to the bush, a thick, tall plant that did an admirable job of covering Lisa. Only her head and shoulders were visible above it. Still, she could see Colin's eyes dart between her face and the flesh of her upper torso.

"The closest entrance to the tunnels is through the Fine Arts building," Colin said, locking eye contact with Lisa. He checked his watch. "We're in the middle of a lecture period, so it ought to be quiet outside. But it's going to be a bit of a walk."

Lisa hadn't been to the Fine Arts building before. Having only been able to walk around campus with clothes on for about three weeks total this semester, there was a lot she hadn't seen.

Colin checked both sides of the road. "Someone's coming!" he hissed.

Lisa dived down and crouched behind the bush. There was the sound of an engine as a car passed.

Moments later, Colin said, "It's gone now. There's no-one else. We should go."

He was right. Lisa straighted up and stared straight ahead, across the road. Her eyes locked on a couple of trashcans against the wall of a building on the other side. But between the bush she was hiding behind and those trashcans was a long, empty expanse of grass, sidewalk and road, with nowhere to hide.

"I-I'm going to make a run for those trashcans," she said to Colin, hardly believing herself. "Go stand by them and give me the signal if it's still clear when you get there. Then close your eyes until I tell you to open them again."

Colin nodded and started walking. He crossed the road at a brisk pace, clearly energized by the excitement of it all. Lisa was thankful that he hadn't asked too many questions, and had just gone along with her story, which much have sounded crazy. But then, she knew what effect she had on men—and nudity supercharged it.

There was the okay sign. Lisa extended a leg from behind the bush, and then looked again. Colin's eyes were still open. She shot him an angry glare. He looked confused for a moment, then seemed to realize something, and quickly slapped his hand across his eyes.

After checking one last time that no-one was approaching from the left, the right, or any other direction, Lisa started sprinting. The wind whipped at her skin and a train of long blonde hair billowed behind her. Her bare feet pounded on the ground, and her breasts bounced up and down with each step.

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