Chapter Four: Unforeseen

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 Walking naked across campus felt surreal, in a wholly different way from the streaking across it. If not for all the physical sensations, Lisa would have fully believed she was dreaming. Her three friends arranged themselves around her in a protective shell, for which she was grateful, but that didn't stop the catcalls and wolf-whistles, though Debra and Claire had choice words for anyone who stared too long. At least Lisa still had her mask, and could use her arms to cover herself, however ineffectively.

After Lisa had agreed to Bethany's terms, the girls had headed off in the direction of Debra's dorm room, to get ready for the after-party. Claire had offered to strip off in solidarity with Lisa, but Bethany had overhead and made it very clear that the party's guest of honor needed to stand out. "No girl wants someone else to copy her outfit, am I right ladies?" she'd cackled.

Once safely inside Debra's room, Lisa had flopped face-down on the nearest bed, exhausted from the run, but even more exhausted from the walk back. The other three girls scurried around her, fussing with clothes and makeup. They all had outfits picked out for the party. Earlier that day, Shelly had helped Lisa pick her own outfit—a short, loose-fitting, backless dress that she'd been able to keep on for a record fifteen minutes. But there was no need for that now.

Debra tapped Lisa on the shoulder, and she looked up. "No friend of mine is going to her first college party in trainers," she said, pointing at Lisa's feet. "I think we're about the same size, you can borrow my heels."

"They'll make your ass look really good," Claire added.

"Thanks," said Lisa, taking the heels from Debra. Now sitting on the bed, she reached down to untie her shoe laces. Did she really need to give anyone more reasons to stare at her bare ass tonight? Not really, but she also didn't want to go to the party in her trainers. At least with these heels it felt like she was dressing up for the party, to the extent she was allowed.

Shelly was dressed up in a classic, modest purple dress that was nonetheless flattering. She would have looked very beautiful, Lisa thought, had she not been squirming, staring at her feet, and deliberately avoiding contact with Lisa.

"Shells," Lisa said, placing a hand on her shoulder so that the girls were staring eye to owl mask. "It's okay, really. I made my choice. All we can do now is try to enjoy it." Then she whispered, "Look on the bright side: this way, I can stay at the party longer than ten minutes."

As the words came out of her mouth, Lisa wasn't so sure that was a bright side. She was physically comfortable, in a way that she wouldn't have been with clothes on, but she was also acutely aware of the sensation of sitting nude in the dorm room of a girl she'd just met, while everyone around her was wearing clothes. She squeezed her thighs together and folded both arms across her chest.

Dressing done, the girls applied their makeup. Lisa kept her owl mask on, and was thus unable to join. There was, in any case, no way she would be showing her face at this party. Finally, the girls all applied perfume.

"I'll lend you some of mine," said Debra to Lisa. "I don't have any Chanel Number Five though." She winked, and Lisa blushed at the comparison. What would Marilyn Monroe have done in this situation?

A few drops later, the girls were ready to party. Debra's skirt was short, Claire's cleavage plunging, and Lisa's body pink and fragrant. Shelly lent the group a touch of class.

"Are you sure about this?" Shelly whispered to Lisa, as the door shut behind them.

Lisa's heart was thumping in her chest. She felt nervous, but also somehow excited. After weeks of hermit mode in her room, she was going to a college party! Where everyone would see her totally nude body, but she tried not to focus on that part.

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