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The next day, Y/N found herself in a panic. She woke up late, even though Jeremiah and the others were supposed to meet up in the studio today. It was already 9:50, and Y/N was just finishing her shower, with makeup, clothes, and hair still to be done.

For clothing, she threw on an oversized hoodie, cargo pants, and sunglasses while scrabbling to get her makeup done. She hurriedly applied light blush, mascara, and eyeliner while simultaneously trying to comb through her hair. The meeting was at 10:00, so Y/N would be beyond late when she got there. She grabbed an apple for breakfast while quickly snatching her purse, and sprinted out the door and towards the Republic Records building.

The wind violently blew through her hair while Y/N ran to work as fast as she humanly could. The girl turned a quick corner and sped into the Republic Records building while swiftly avoiding many passing pedestrians. The time read 10:05, so she decided that she would go to the studio using the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.

Upon arriving near the studio, Y/N fixed her hair a bit before walking in. Running from her apartment to the building had made her hair slightly ruffled, so Y/N wanted to make herself more presentable. Y/N steadily made her way into the studio and found that Hailee was singing her part of the song already.

Jeremiah waved for Y/N to come over, so she put her bags down and made her way over to the booth.

"Sorry I'm late," Y/N apologized.

"Don't worry about it, we just started recording anyway," Jeremiah replied calmly.

Y/N listened to Hailee's singing as the up-beat pace slowed down a bit. The song gradually faded from a quick tempo to a slightly longer harmony. It was absolutely mesmerizing to watch Hailee sing. Especially with Y/N's song, it felt so surreal that she got to witness this.

Soon, Hailee was done singing. Her and Y/N discussed a few things about the song, and then it was Y/N's turn to sing. She stepped into the booth and put on the headphones as Jeremiah allowed her to start.

The melodic lyrics rolled off Y/N's tongue in a way so natural that it seemed like she knew the song for decades. She only wrote it last night, yet it felt so familiar. Y/N loved the feeling.

It was unfortunately over as quickly as it started. After all, it was only one verse. Y/N stepped out of the booth with the lingering notes of familiarity in her throat. The verse really wasn't anything special, but she loved the feeling of singing something new for once.

Once outside of the recording booth, the group worked a bit on polishing up the song some more, and before they knew it, the song was officially ready for release. It would be Y/N's first song with republic records, and it was planned to be released next month. Close to the concert. In fact, Jeremiah planned to announce the song's release now, have Y/N debut it at the concert, and release it on all streaming platforms the next day. A music video for the song wasn't likely, which Y/N was fairly glad about. She had never done anything like that, but she knew that a music video would have to be made eventually. Y/N wasn't ready for one at the moment.

After Colette and Hailee left, Y/N decided to speak with Jeremiah about the pieces she completed last night.

"Hey, I actually worked on some more of my songs last night. I was wondering if I could record one of them," Y/N said to Jeremiah.

"Yeah, sure. If you want. Are you planning to make an album or an EP?" Replied Jeremiah.

"Yes, actually. I was planning to make an EP, and last night I finished 5 songs."

"Wow, 5? That's a lot for one night."

"Well, yes, but they were already started," Y/N chuckled. "They're years old. Here's the one I was planning to sing today." She handed a sheet of paper to Jeremiah, containing the song lyrics.

He read it over briefly as he said, "Yeah, we can start this today. It's pretty good."

Y/N smiled as she walked over to the booth and got situated. She eagerly placed the headphones on her head once again. The song was called Attention, and it was actually about her first girlfriend. Her name was Magnolia, and at the time, Y/N's feelings for Hailee had subsided so she decided that her interest in her was just a celebrity crush. Y/N enjoyed her time with Magnolia, but a few months into their relationship, she began to notice something was off. Magnolia started to distance herself from Y/N. So much so that Y/N grew suspicious of Magnolia cheating. Sadly, her suspicions were correct, and even though she felt it coming, it still hurt.

Y/N collected herself from the sad memory as she straightened herself up and got ready to start recording

Jermiah gave Y/N a thumbs up and she began singing.

Girl, would it kill you just to show a little bit of attention?

If I hurt you, I'm afraid God's gonna teach me a lesson

Now would you hate me if I said goodbye
So quick you could eat my dust?
Now would you hate me if I ran like hell
In the wind, from dawn 'til dusk?

When you cry, you waste your time
Over boys you never liked
Can you not be so obvious?
So keep it light
So keep it light, no

I thought I'd vocalize my troubles, but nobody will listen

I know I'm cryptic and I'm weird, that shit comes off as indifferent

I don't wanna die so young
Got so much to do
I don't smile for the camera
Only smile for you
Smile for you

Now would you hate me if I said goodbye
So quick you could eat my dust?
Now would you hate me if I ran like hell
In the wind, from dawn 'til dusk?
When you cry, you waste your time
Over boys you never liked
Can you not?

The song was about how Y/N considered leaving Magnolia because of her suspicions, but Y/N also didn't want to split up with her at the same time because she was scared. Regardless, she still treated Magnolia kind and with love. That eventually led to Y/N feeling more hurt about what Magnolia was doing. Sometimes she just wished she never found out, and the two might've still been together. It could've only been one time, right? Magnolia seemed so guilty. Maybe Y/N could've forgiven her, and they would still be happy.

Who am I kidding? Y/N thought as she took off the headphones. She didn't like me enough to stay together for so long. She walked out of the booth to be met with a smiling Jeremiah.

"I think this song is absolutely great. There needs to be a bit of editing done, but I bet it'll be
ready for release soon," He said happily.

Y/N tried her best to return the smile. "Thank you. I'll be on my way now,"was all the girl managed to say. She quickly gathered up her things and hurried out the door. It still made Y/N uncomfortable to think about Magnolia, even though they broke up in the girls' freshman year of college. The memory was still fresh in her mind, but Y/N tried not to think about it too much. Besides, now she has a higher chance with Hailee. It was still a low chance, but more than before.

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