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A/N- the other day at swim practice, my crush accidentally nailed me in the head and my lips started bleeding bc it got pushed up against my braces bracket.

Best moment of my life.

Outside the Republic Records building, Y/N was met with a chilling breeze blowing through the air. Ah, this is great. It's the middle of November and I'm out here in a t-shirt, She thought while shivering. Luckily, the walk to her apartment wasn't long, so she just had to endure that for that short period of time.

"You cold?" A voice came out of nowhere. Y/N turned around to be met with Hailee's hazel eyes. In her arms was a sweater that she was gesturing for Y/N to take.

"No, no. I'm okay. My apartment is a short walk from here, so I'll be ok. You can keep your sweater," Y/N said as she brought her hands down from the crossed position they were previously in.

"No, it's really ok. I'm gonna call a cab to go home, anyway, so I won't need it. You can wear the sweater, and I'll walk you home, too," Hailee suggested kindly.

Y/N let out a chuckle as she said, "You don't have to."

"Of course I have to! I mean, you'll probably turn to a popsicle in this weather."

"Well, if you're sure," Y/N said as she pulled the sweater on. "Thanks."

Hailee hummed in response as the two started their walk.

"The other day, you said you started writing music at 13-14 years old? I started my acting career around that age, too," Hailee said.

I know, Y/N thought to herself.

"A lot of my early songs are pretty short, and most of them are incomplete. The closest songs I have to being complete need a bit of touching up," Y/N said instead.

"But you have a lot of songs, right? That's a good thing, even if they are unfinished."

"Yeah, but it's like if you stop writing a piece for a while, and you get back to it, you loose the feel of the song, y'know?" Y/N responded.

"Yeah, I see your point," Hailee agreed. "But you should definitely try to complete those songs,

The two arrived at the apartment complex in due time and Y/N handed Hailee the sweater back.

"Thank you for walking me home," Y/N said as Hailee took the sweater. "And thanks for lending me your sweater."

Hailee smiled as she took the sweater back. "No problem. And, if you don't mind, would you want to go to a party with me on Saturday? It starts at 6, and a few big-time producers are going to be there. I could pick you up."

Y/N blinked. A party? She'd never liked parties, or concerts, for that matter. Basically anything with a lot of people, Y/N tended to dislike. But the part about producers drew her in. It would be easier to make music with a producer, and they could help her fine tune the little imperfections in her music.

"Sure. Although I may not stay the entire time," Y/N replied.

Hailee nodded as she bid Y/N goodbye. Y/N walked into the apartment complex, not nearly as excited as she expected to be. Now, normally, Y/N would be beyond excited to be hanging out with Hailee, but the fact that it was at a party threw Y/N's mood off. She tried to think positively about the situation, but she couldn't help but feel a little anxious. But Hailee did invite her, so what's the worst that could happen?


The next day, Y/N was jotting down the final lyrics to the song. Jeremiah and everyone else thought they were already written, but Y/N had panicked slightly and lied about writing them. It was rather hard to find an appropriate ending to the song. It was pretty upbeat and quick throughout the entire song, but Y/N wanted a gentle, yet gradual ending. It was also important to make sure you could still feel the full song, but doing that and also dialing down the speed was tough.

Suddenly, Y/N had an idea. She grabbed her laptop and opened her song making app. The mouse dragged along the screen to copy a snippet of the song, and paste in the end. A half measure of a piano key was left before the new audio for effect, and the young songwriter jotted down some more lyrics. She decided to test how the song sounded, so she made a short recording of herself singing and added it to the tape. Alright, alright, not too bad. I think this is good, Y/N thought as she patted herself on the back.

She sent the last bit to Hailee, hoping they could finish recording the song tomorrow. Even though she had finished that one song, Y/N felt like she could get more done.

An idea had dawned on her. Hailee was right that Y/N had a lot of incomplete songs, and she was eager to make more music. Even if the feeling of the song didn't stay the same, it could make for a cool and unique combination. Of course, it would be best for it to match up, but it could be a cool contrast.

After much contemplation, Y/N picked out an old song to finish. She listened to it, and eventually decided to complete the piece. The process wasn't easy, but Y/N enjoyed it. Minutes turned to hours as she worked tirelessly all day, losing track of time. By the time the girl's hands got sore, it was already night time and she had completed enough music for an entire EP.

It was a no-brainer to make an EP, but Y/N was shocked at how much work she had done. She closed her song-making program, and decided to check her emails. The cursor dragged across the screen while Y/N's eyes suddenly grew heavy. Geez, what time is it? The girl thought as she checked the clock. The time read 11:47 PM. Since it was fairly late, she quickly read over her emails, but one email sent by Jeremiah caught her attention.

His word absolutely stunned Y/N. The email requested that her song be played on a radio station in about a month's time, and Jeremiah had found a possible concert that Y/N could open for. The musician that Y/N was supposedly opening for was Rei Brown, someone who's music Y/N listened to frequently. This was a huge opportunity for Y/N, so she decided to take it.

Y/N replied with an email giving permission to play her song and saying yes to the concert, and then created another email containing the last verse of her song.

Everything had happened so fast, it was like a dream come true.

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