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A/N- Btw, the audio file Y/N sent Hailee was just up to the first chorus. After Joji stops singing in the chorus, the rest of the track is just instrumental, if that makes sense.

Y/N arrived at the same studio the next morning, prepared to meet with Jeremiah.

"Hello, good morning," Jeremiah greeted as Y/N put her bag down and took a seat in a chair.

"Good morning," She replied as Jeremiah took a seat across from her.

"I think the song you sent me was good. It was unique, but I'm curious, what instruments did you use?" Jeremiah questioned as he got straight to the point.

"Ah, that's a good question. I can't remember the exact instruments I used, but I remember pitching down a snare, using a high hat, and a piano," Y/N recalled. "I think I also used some interesting sound effects, too, like a cash register sound cut in half, and a clapping sound."

"Hm, interesting indeed. That's actually really creative, Y/N," Jeremiah expressed. "I think that you should try recording it today. Hailee and her manager should arrive soon, so that'll give us a chance to communicate a bit more."

"Right, sounds good," Y/N replied while nodding. "Should we record the song first, or?"

"Yeah, yeah. We can record your part first," Jeremiah said as he got off his seat and led Y/N back to the booth.

Y/N entered the booth, and slipped on the headphones just as she had done the day before. After adjusting herself a bit better, she flashed a thumbs up towards Jeremiah to signal she was ready. He nodded and started playing the track.

The intro was much shorter than Die For You, but Y/N was luckily extremely familiar with the song.

"Lately, I've been slippin' away from you
Can you tell me, does it hurt today?
Yeah, there's no way, yeah (no way, no way, no way)To burn, there's no flames, yeah (there's no flames)
Praying nine to five like a saint for you (like a saint)
Can you tell me how it turned this way? (How?)
Yeah, things have changed, yeah (yeah)
Yeah, filled with rage, yeah (filled with rage)"

She hadn't sung the song in a few months, so she was a little rusty. Yet, it offered a slightly

raspy tone to the song, which Y/N liked. While singing, she noticed Hailee as well as another woman enter the studio and greet Jeremiah. That must be her manager, She thought as she proceeded to enter the chorus.

"So lost in these diamonds
So lost in this paradise
Don't speed on that highway
We need you to shine bright
When life gets too complicated
Please stand with me after dark
I'll stay in the limelight
Like a beautiful afterthought
Like a beautiful afterthought"

With that, the first part of the song was finished. The track ended as Y/N took off her headphones and exited the booth.

"Hailee, hi," Y/N smiled as she walked out of the recording booth.

"Hey, Y/N," Hailee greeted. She offered a bright smile to Y/N, which she thought was beautiful. As her mood instantly brightened, Y/N turned to the other woman to shake her hand.

"Hey, I'm Y/N. I'm assuming you're Hailee's manager, right?" Y/N asked while shaking the other woman's hand.

"Yes, I am Hailee's manager. I'm Colette, nice to meet you," She replied. While letting go of Colette's hand, Y/N turned to Hailee and asked if she had brainstormed some ideas for the second verse. Hailee nodded and handed Y/N a small piece of notebook paper. Y/N read it carefully, while also noticing Hailee's talent in songwriting. Wow, she wrote this in one night? That's really impressive, She thought as she handed the paper back to Hailee. Y/N has never really been that invested in Hailee's music, but she could admit that the girl was great at coming up with lyrics.

"I like the verse. Do you think you could try it out in the booth real quick?" Y/N asked as she pointed her thumb to the area behind her.

Hailee nodded as she replied, "Yeah, sure. Sounds great."

She walked into the booth while Y/N walked over to the chairs in front of the control panel. She explained what her and Hailee were doing to Jeremiah and Colette. They both nodded as the three of them on headphones hooked up to the microphone.

"We good?" Hailee asked from inside the booth. Y/N gave her a thumbs to signal that the song was ready.

Hailee cleared her throat in order to prepare to start singing.

"Sometimes, you'd ask me for something different
Hated when you did it, I wish that you didn't
I would do things and you'd get annoyed
I should've never done them, I wish I was different
Why do we have to step away now?
It's been a year, been a couple days now
Since you called me sayin' you're worried
Been hard for me dealin' with this space now
No company, wishin' we could sit down
'Cause I'm sorry, but you don't want me"

After Hailee's verse was sung, Y/N sat there mesmerized. Hailee was truly amazing at songwriting and singing. The verse fit perfectly into the song, so much so that Y/N was shocked. She didn't think they had to do any revision after this, it was just the way Y/N liked it. Perfect, even.

Hailee walked out of the booth slightly anxious, yet a smile still plastered on her face.

"Was that alright? I was a little iffy on the wording, but I think it sounded alright," Hailee asked Y/N and the managers.

Y/N sat there at a slight loss of words.

"I, personally, think that that was perfect. Your lyrics fit the song extremely well," Y/N managed to say, finding it hard to maintain eye contact with the slightly taller girl. As she gave up on trying with eye contact, she turned to the managers to ask for their opinions.

"I think it's pretty good," Colette said as she nodded, "But there's still music in the track. Do you have more lyrics in mind?"

"Yes, actually. I was thinking, after Hailee's verse, I'll sing the chorus again. And I have some ideas for the outro," Y/N explained. "I was thinking Hailee sings the first few lines of the outro and I sing the ending. I still need to work on the rhythm, but overall, I'd say I have an idea for the rest of the song."

"All right, that sounds good," Jermiah jumped in. "When do you think the verse will be completed?"

"Mmm, about 1-2 days?" Y/N replied as she thought about it for a bit.

"Great, so can we meet again on Friday. Is that ok?" Jeremiah asked.

Y/N nodded, as she didn't have anything else to do, and Hailee hummed a reply.

"Alright then. I'll be on my way, and you guys are free to go, as well," Jeremiah said as he stood up from his chair and collected his belongings.

"Bye," Y/N simply said as she slung her bag over her shoulder and walked out of the door.

A/N- a bit of a shorter chapter, but I wanted to get something out for you guys <333 Hope you enjoyed!!

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