chapter 1, page 10.

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Friday, Augest 5th, 1987.
.... 2:20PM (3 days past)

I hate mornings.

"Let me fucking sleep," I hiss at steven, my blanket over my head.

"No I'm bored," he shakes me awake.

Why was he even in the hotel room?

"Why are you in here," I mumble, putting a pillow over my head.

"Duff wanted company while you were asleep. Slash is still sleeping, so here I am!" I can hear him smiling while saying that.

"She's still not up?" Duff says, I guess, walking out of the bathroom.

"Cmon, Rose, you got enough rest while you were sick, get up," Steven ushers.

"She doesn't like waking up," Duff says.

"Yeah so leave me alone," I mumble, digging into the bed more.

"No, you have to get up we leave to the gig soonnn," Steven pulls on me.

"Listen Steven," I huff, taking the pillow off my face.

"Ah, there's the face I wanna see!" Duff smiles.

I ignore duff, putting my attention to Steven, "I didn't go to bed till 5 last night, half of that was throwing up from the party, other half was still me at the party, so.. let, me, sleep!" I say, laying back on the pillows.

"No, seriously, we leave soon. Get up," Steven says, more serious this time.

"Fine, whatever!" I get up moving Steven out of the way.

"Bright light, bright fucking light," I hiss at the sun coming threw the windows.

"Gremlins?" Duff asks, going threw his clothes.

I nod, rubbing my eyes.

"Did I shower yesterday?" I ask, going threw my clothes.

"Yeah, definitely did," Duff smiles.

Fuck I was on my period I really hope that we didn't..

"Did we?" I ask.

"Almost, we just took a shower together so not really," duff says, shrugging.

I noded, grabbing clothes I needed.

I go to the bathroom and change, just blue jeans, a nice white long sleeve shirt that had a zipper in the front, like a button-up would have.

I go back out and grab my makeup, putting on the everyday makeup I do while talking to Steven about how everything went last night.

I remember nothing. He remembered nothing etheir.

Duff remembered some bits and pieces of it.

I brush out my hair and fix it up to my liking, putting perfum and decorating on as well as my socks and shoes.

I was just letting off my period, meaning I was horny and bored all the damn time, duff was a tall hot figure who drew me fucking crazy.

The arousal of him during the days of my women hood were painful.

I was looking hot today, something about white makes me look good, my hair and make up were great today.

It's like I got hotter when I was sick.

"Are you guys finally ready?" Steven was whining but asking, leaning against the door like a child.

"Yes we are," I slightly laugh at him, like a giggle, but if you'd call a snort pig laugh a 'giggle,' then yeah, a giggle.

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