chapter 1, page 5.

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Thursday, July 27th, 3:44PM (smut)
.... concert day.

"Holy fuck, can you get up you're so fucking heavy," Axl grumbles at Steven, who is laying ontop of him.

"Just roll him off, shit he's lighter then a fucking feather," duff stares at Axl.

"oh fuck, he is," Axl laughs, taking steven off him.

"I have a massive fucking headace," slash complains, rubbing his head while drinking Jack.

"Drinking more won't help," danielle mutters.

Slash shrugged, I mean, Duff was doing the same thing, I guess it's normal.

"Get steven up, his little groupie left already. He's the only one asleep," izzy points at Steven.

"Good luck to that." Slash laughed.

"it's easy, here," I get up and go beside Steven, "give me that water," I point by danielle.

Danielle throws it at me, "What are you about to do?"

"What I always do," I unscrew the top of the water bottle and pour it all on Steven's head, kicking him in the side while doing so.

"What the fuck?" He mumbled as he squinted his eyes.

"Time to wake up," I shrug, going to sit back on the bed.

"Could've done it nicer," he pissy says, feeling his hair.

"Well, now that you're all up-get out," duff smiles.

"trying to get rid of us, eh?" Slash tilts his head to the side

"30 minutes till we have to leave.. so yes?"

"I'm going etheir way, I'm wet," Steven gets up and rings his hair out on axl,

"Watch it bitch!" Axl hissed.

"Oh, shit my bad" Steven shrugs, walking out the door.

"I'm going to my room, Rose, when you leave, don't forget your camera stuff," danielle points at me.

"I won't." I wave, and she walks out.

Me and Duff look at Axl and slash, seeing that they are standing up, not walking away.

"Are you gonna leave?" I ask.

"Oh, we were supposed to?" Slash says, lighting a cigarette.

"Yes!" Me and Duff say in unison, a bit annoyed.

"Oh, bye," slash waves, axl waves, and leaves.

"Finally!" I huff, digging my head into my pillow.

"Nope, gotta get ready." Duff pats my back,

"fuck you" I flip him off.

"Happily," he chuckles, getting out of the bed.

"Perv," I sit up, getting out of bed and stretching.

"Not a perv!" he looks at me werid.

"I'm gonna shower," i said while walking to my bag and grabbing clothes.

"Can I join?"

"No! I swear you're a perv," I huffed.

"Am not, stop saying that!" He grunted, annoyed.

I laugh at him, trying to be scary, "I'm taller than you, I could drop you in a second." he stands up from his bag.

"Whatever," I mumble.

"I'm 6'3, your only 5'9, 5'8, well, really 5'8, barley at most," he chuckles, "so a good 6 feet or inches, whatever, above you," he looks down at me.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever giraffe," I waved him off, walking to the bathroom

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