chapter 1, page 9.

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Tuesday, August 2nd, 1987.
.... 4:20PM

"You don't have to go, rose, you're sick," Duff nags at me.

I was still fucking cold, I couldn't breath out of my nose, my throat was itchy, my nose was runny, I kept coughing, all I wanted to do was sleep but there's is one thing I do not do; miss work.

"I don't miss work, you know I don't," I look at him, sniffing my nose.

"But this one time!" He complains, getting annoyed that I won't miss it.

"Listen, I have decent clothes on to keep me warm. It's just taking pictures, duff," I sigh, putting my shoes.

"Put it doesn't matter. You need rest!" He
He puts his hands up in annoyance.

"Roxy is sick too! Izzy probably isn't bugging her!" I groan.

Meanwhile, with izzy and roxy..

"Izzy, I'll be fine! I'll be with danielle and Rose!" Roxy argues with izzy.

"But you're sick, sniffling, you said you're still cold, your throat hurts, I love seeing you there, but you need rest!" Izzy aruges with Roxy, slightly worried for her.

"I've been sick many times. It's not a big deal!" Roxy huffs at izzy, crossing her arms.

"Yes, it is roxy!" Izzy runs his hands in his hair, getting annoyed with it.

"Rose is sick too! Duff is probably not giving a shit!" Roxy tells izzy, earning an annoyed groan.

Back with Rose and Duff (roses pov)

"Whatever, fine, fucking fine!" Duff puts his hands up in surrender, "you can go, fine."

"Thank you Duff, thank fucking you," I huff, finally having him agree that I should go.

I check in the mirror for my outfit, wearing blue jeans with a tight long white sleeve and a leather jacket.

I was gonna be warm, right?

"Let's just go okay duff?" I ask, putting a little thing of tissues in my purse.

"Yeah rose," he nodds, lighting his cigarette.

We walk out he door, seeing izzy and Roxy come out theirs.

"I need a fucking drink," izzy and duff say at the same time, making them look at eachother werid.

"See duff, Roxy was able to go!"
"See izzy, Rose was able to go!"

Me and Roxy look at eachother werid, our conjested voices making it sound weirder.

"You didn't want her to go ethier?" Duff asks izzy while we walk to the elevator.

"No," izzy sighs, shaking his head.

We go in the lobby once the elevator got there, duff and izzy saying we should be sleeping and not coughing every minute at the concert.

I'm starting to get annoying.

"Jeez, what happened to you to," slash points to me and Roxy.

"Duff, water and sick," I sigh, which ends up in me coughing.

"Don't get me sick," Axl steps away, putting his shirt over his face.

"Dickbag," Roxy mumbles, earning a High five from izzy.

"Just rest okay? Please," duff sets me down, actuality worried.

"I am. I'll be fine!" I yawn, waving him off.

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