chapter 1, page 1.

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Sunday, July 24th, 1987
.... 12:01PM

I was waking up to a massive headache, not wanting to get out of bed. I dig my face into the pillows, putting my arms over my head.

Wait.. when did I end up in bed?

After a few minutes of not being able to fall asleep, I sit up, rolling out of bed.

I was still confused about how I ended up in bed, I was trying to re-think everything I had done last night.

I go over and brush down my hair, tying it back and walking out the room.

"Ah, there's the sleeping Beauty," Duff looks at me from the tv.

"What, no breakfast?" I ask, grabbing painkillers.

"What is this, a movie?" He laughs,

"People do that out of movies. " I shrug, grabbing water and chugging down the painkillers.

"Never heard of it, so it's only it movies," he shrugs.

"Who moved me to bed last night?"

"Me, you looked uncomfortable on the couch," he shrugged.

I nodded, looking around the room for danielle, "Is danielle not here?"

"Well, if you look around, it will do no good. She's obviously not in the room. She's at work, remember, not everyone is off Sundays," he replies.

"Oh, I forgot about that," I mumble,

"Sure, but forgot to tell you, your boss needs you in at 1, something you'd like came in," he shrugs.

I shot my head towards him in panic, "You asshat! You could've led with that!"

"Oh, sorry," he yells from the living room as I rush to my room.

I grab the first pair of jeans I see off the floor.

Duff walks in, sitting on my bed as if I wasn't changing.

"Could've knocked ya know?"

He shrugged, "Nothin' I haven't seen before."

I huffed, buttoning the jeans up and grabbing my bra, obviously turning so he couldn't see anything.

"Pick a shirt out," I nod towards the closest as I fix my bra to fit right.

He got up and opened my closest, looking through the tones of clothes I have.

"You only have dresses," he muttered.

"Shirts are the top right, the long sleeves are top left, sweatshirts are bottom left, pants are bottom right and dresses are middle."

He looked at me, werid, but nodding as he went to the top left, looking through the racks of clothes.

"Your jeans are brown! What goes with brown?!" He huffed.

"Actually, a lot of things– green, brown, cream, white, sometimes pink–"

"Okay, I get it!" He holds his hand up, "does this work?"

He held up a long sleeve white shirt, the sleeves flared put, and the middle was a low-cut U neck.

"Works perfectly!" I smiled, grabbing it from him and sliding it on rather quickly.

I let my hair put, fixing the bangs slightly, brushing my hair out with my fingers.

"Does this look normal?" I turn and ask, duff.

"I don't know what you mean by 'normal', but yeah, it looks fine," he said, air quoting 'normal'.

"Well, it answered my question ethier way," I shrug, turning back around.

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