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Is'nt it crazy, how you are handling all the situations..... And nature becomes supportive?

That support will make you stable when you're depressed. It will make you neutral while you're in a emotional disbalance.

The most mysterious thing is that feeling.... When you are thinking about the future, like after some days these all will become memories and immediately starts missing the present situation with that particular persons. But why? You know I'm here already.....Maybe they will not stay with you, they will not love you, they will not support you mentally, they will not believe you..... But suddenly, nature becomes reactive unknowingly. It will make you face some situations, that will make you more and more stable. It will prepare you for the future.... For all the stuffs.

Okay then.... "SOULS DON'T MEET ACCIDENTALLY". Everyone in this Universe meet for a reason. And everything happens for good.😌 They will simply leave after that particular reason.🙂 But nature supports us.... It heals us.

The natural process of Universe. All the scars will heal naturally, and if doesn't....then it doesn't belongs to this universe. It will end. And this is the most ridiculous truth of this World.

We will never know when we're belonging to some other Universe, will will never know when we're going to end our syllabus in this World.

Never let anyone ruin the peace. It's the thing, which will stay till the last day of our life.😌

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