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We are now in the shortest distance. We are coming closer and closer, the minimun distance is present in between us. I'm keeping my head in your chest slowly and deeply. You are taking me into your arms....I'm holding you tight. A deep breathing of comfort, peace and closeness. A feeling of heaven with closed eyes. I'm taking your smell with full heart. The stressless, pressureless, heaveny feeling is here.....♥️

We will break our hug. We'll increase distance between us waiting for the forehead kisses.

You will kiss me softly..... The butterflies will start flying in my stomach and throat. I'll swallow them with the emotional fluid.

After that, I will kiss you. You will get your head down for me, I'll kiss you holding your neck and shoulder.

Again a hug.... more tight from the first one. With increasing heart beat..... breathing. Though the most comfortable one....

More comfortable than anything else, more peaceful than anything else, more addictive than anything else..... Atlast its the addiction of your smell, me and our hug.❣️

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