Part 13

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Harry is lounging back against a wall near the courtyard with Draco beside him. It is break and he clearly needs it to calm his raging wolf desperate to kill Umbridge. That woman is the most annoying person he has ever met. Even more than Tom. Ministry this and ministry that. She can fuck the ministry for all he cares.

"So are you going to tell me what cat you are?" Harry does not look at Draco's reaction when he asks nonchalantly. "I am not going to let this go until you tell me."

"Persistent are we?"

"You saw my creature so why not show me yours."

"Because it is embarrassing." Harry had not thought of that. What kind of cat would be embarrassing for Malfoy? All cats are nice. From domestics to wild lions. They each have unique abilities and looks.

"Even so, tell me."

"What are they doing?" Harry glances down at Draco looking ahead and he follows where the blonde is looking. He sighs already knowing what this is about with Ronald and the rest of the Gryffindors.

"Harry we want to talk to you alone." 

"Hello to you too Ronald," Harry replies hating the demanding tone.

"Please, Harry."

"Wow, even your old friends are rude to you Harry. Thank goodness you changed house."

"Draco," Harry warns him to be polite. He lifts his hands and returns to reading about alchemy. "What do you want guys?"

"Malfoy can you give us a moment alone?" Hermione asks.

"Malfoy is staying. Whatever you have to say to me you can say to him. I know for sure it is not important to what you have to command of me. I am no longer your blind puppet so if this is about coaxing me or trying to place another compelling charm for me to be your mutt then forget it. Have a good day."

"Harry, we are your friends. Not Malfoy."

"Tell me again why you are my friends? Or even how are we, friends. No, actually, I know that answer. You forced yourselves to be my friends without even asking me if I wanted to be friends with you. Clearly, you know how to shove yourselves into powerful and gullible wizards. You took advantage of me and now, I am not standing for it again."

Draco stands and pulls Harry away seeing his eyes change color. Harry is glad for the distraction and to calm the urge to shift right then and there. How did he even stand them? They aren't even respectful to him. Just barge in and go around ordering or demanding things. Harry crunch his eyebrows not knowing why they are in an empty classroom. Draco's arms wrapping around him startle him but Harry doesn't pull away. Somehow this feels right and he needs it at the moment.

"It is okay Harry. You are never alone. You will never get hurt or used again. I swear it." Harry feels something wet on his skin and pulling back his fingers he realizes he is crying. "Let it out."

His body rakes with sobs and Harry does as told. He digs his face into the blonde's robe and cries. Weeps. Emotionally exhausted and hurt. He is appreciative of Draco for not saying anything and only giving him the comfort he hasn't received in a long time. He finally did something right and he is happy.

"Thanks." Harry cleans the blonde's robe and his teary face.

"Anytime." Harry pauses looking into Draco's eyes. They hold something small he barely can make out. Tenderness, he presumes. 

"We have class in ten minutes. Feel ready to go back out there." Harry nods and exits the classroom with Draco by his side.

"Hey Harry, Draco, how are things?" Blaise meets them in the hallway as they climb up the stairs to divination.

"Peachy," Harry mumbles not in the mood to talk.

"Fine. Dealt with annoying Gryffindors but we handled it well."

"Gryffindors. Harry, you should know you are not alone. You need help and we will be there for you. Draco, me, Parkinson, and the whole house. Slytherins always take care of each other even if we seem a bit shadowy."

"Thanks, Blaise." Harry grows comforted by the reassurance. Not even the other house he was in did this. They did not stick to each other as loyal as the snakes do. They keep to themselves in small groups but never as a full house. 

Entering Divination, the three of them sit at a table and Harry ignores the looks his old friends throw at him. Draco luckily got Harry to sit between him and Blaise. Draco's back is turned and blocks the view of his old friends. 

"Students, we will be reading the fire that is in front of you. Refer to your book on page 35." the three look into the fire in the middle of the table.

Harry looks deep into the flickering flame and sees white figures. The white turns grey and he sees a white lion roaring beside a giant wolf. His wolf. What does that mean? Harry looks over at Draco. White. Could Malfoy's cat animagus be a lion? It makes sense why he is embarrassed. His creature is the same as the house of Gryffindors. The enemy as per Slytherin's mindset. 

"What did you see?" Harry blinks and leans back in his seat.

"My fight against Tom. That is not going to happen."

"You aren't going to fight him," Draco whispers furrowing his eyebrows.

"No. I am not done being told what to bloody do. If Dumbledore wants to fight, he can be a bloody man and do it himself." Growing pissed off again, harry gets up and leaves class.

"Mr. Potter?" He ignores the professor and marches right out. He needs some alone time away from the fire and everyone. He wants his freedom. what does he have to pay to get it?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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