Part 2

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Harry remains standing before Severus Snape unsure of what to do. Snape has been mean to him but also protected him at the same time. He is a strange man but unreliable. He can be doing this to coax him to let down his guard for Tom to capture him and kill him. He can be doing this for Dumbledore and will probably knock him out to give back to the old man. 

Sniffing his scent, his aura is not leaning on anything. He is genuine in helping him. Harry sighs and looks around trying to see if this is a trap. He does not hear anything, the woods still contain with owls hooting and squirrels chirping. Looking back to Snape, he walks to the man's side showing his wounds, and has a stern eye on him. 

Snape takes the movement as a sign to help. He moves his hand to the raw flesh. Looking at Harry staring at him ready to run or fight. The scruff on his shoulders is up meaning he is tense. Defensive. Snape pulls out his wand and growls reach his ears. Pointing the wand at the wound the growling grows. Glancing at Harry, his lips are pulled up and long fangs gleam under the moonlight. Green eyes glare and Snape does not push it. Lowering his wand Harry lowers his lips but keeps his eyes narrow. Guess he has to just check and explain things to him.

"Did someone do this to you?" Snape asks him. His hand hovers over the patch of red flesh, he had to lift some of the loose furs to see the real damage. Harry steps closer, curling his side slightly to growl closer to his ear. "Potter, how can I help you if you bite my head off?"

Harry calms down and lets the professor tend to him. He moved closer to step a paw on his wand and pulls it closer to him so the man can't call for anyone. He is the only one that knows of his form. He wants nobody else and Snape should realize that. He bites back the slight pain when his cold fingers touch the skin. He does need Snape's help and hurting him won't do either of them any good.

"I can heal the wound with a simple spell if you give me back my wand." So the potion master saw him pull his wand away. Nothing gets past him much. 

Harry growls softly, only vibrating his chest not sure if it is a good idea. He pushes his ears back showing he does not believe him. Snape glowers at him and Harry's lips peel back removing that look on the man's face. That is right, Snape, you are going at my pace and my command.

"The healing spell is called Episkey. Heard of it? It heals light or mild injuries including split lips and broken noses." Heard of the spell before Harry removes his paw from the wand and pushed it forward. Peeling his lips back, he does not growl but he gives a clear warning that if he tricks him, it will be a short victory. Snape grabs his wand and says in a clear and loud voice the spell. 

His wounds heal themselves and the fur slowly grows over the cleaned and stitched flesh. Feeling better, Harry turns for his other side to be healed. Snape does the exact thing before putting his wand away and reaching his hand out. Harry snarls stopping him from whatever he is doing.

"I am just checking that you don't have any broken bones." Harry jumps back and growls and snarls at him. He does not want anyone to find out about his condition. "Potter, if you are hurt or have a broken bone then when it heals it will lead to troubles in your growing up. Extreme complications can happen if a broken bone is not mended properly."

Harry growls and shakes his head denying the man. Licking his lips, he turns and walks off leaving the man alone. Stopping, he looks back when a thought hits him. What if Snape squeals about his wolf form? Glowering, he grumbles under his breath and stomps his paw on the ground.

"You are not having a tantrum are you Potter?" Growling lightly at the professor, he huffs unsure what to do. He has yet to test if he can use his magic in this form. He does not want the professor to notice or else he will be knocked out before he can run. "What is it that troubles you?"

Harry looks at him and tilts his head. Snape's eyes widen upon understanding and gladly he voices it out.

"You think I am going to tell? Why would I do that?" Harry continues to look at him glaring. "Potter, I am not going to tell anyone. I do suggest you go back to your relatives. You are-"

Harry launches and pins the man down on his back growling at him. His hot breath fans his face and he snarls when he feels his underbelly get brushed as Snape reaches for his wand. Pressing a clawed paw on the man's wrist, he makes sure the message is clear. He is not going there and the man is not going to grab his wand.

"Potter!" Harry growls before whinnying and getting off him. He glances down to his side where his wounds were then back at the professor. Sitting up, Snape ponders what the wolf is trying to say before it dawns on him. "They did that to you?"

Harry lowers his head whinnying and nods. Snape is his last resort for someone to understand. Snape is the last person Harry is trusting. If the result is Snape denying and bringing him back, Harry does not know what to do. He is desperate for someone to finally understand him and what he is going through.

"You better not be lying Potter." Harry snarls snapping at him. How dare he think that!? Standing he is prepared to rip him to shreds. Seeing the anger, Snape lifts his hand but close to his body so it does not get ripped off and eaten. "Calm down, I just wanted to see if you were telling the truth. Potter, they are your relatives and Albus..."

Harry grumbles and turns away. Snape knows something deeper is going on and it has to do with the relatives, his wounds, and the fact Harry showed distrust toward the headmaster. Standing, Harry steps back at the fast action.

"I do not know what is going on with you Potter and I think it is best we don't discuss this here. Come with me and shift." Harry rears his ears back not trusting him. "Potter, hadn't I proved myself to you that you can trust me?"

He pauses to think. Snape has proven himself but it is not enough. He trusted so many people quickly and in the end, he was the one to get hurt. Whimpering, he is undecided.

"Here is the deal then. Come with me to my home, shift, and tell me what happened. If you still don't trust me then erase my memories of meeting you and leave." the deal is tempting and smart. Huffing a sigh, he nods and steps closer to him nodding. Snape grabs his scruff and apparates them to his house.

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