Part 11

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On the Hogwarts train, Harry is laying in his wolf form with his head on Malfoy's lap. His fur is being petted and lulls him to sleep. He wakes up hearing people talking and looks to see Crabbe and Goyle with a girl and a dark-skinned boy. Glancing up at Malfoy, he is sneering at something. Raising his head, Harry whines at the high pitch squeal from the girl.

"He is so cute. Hello there -Ah!" snapping at her stretched hand, Harry snarls at her. He is glad her squeal did not turn him deaf but he hates the stupid girl for trying to pet him.

"Parkinson, he does not like being petted. I just told you that and never squeal like that again. You almost shattered the glass." Harry barks out a laugh.

"Sorry. Argh, what if he bit me? How did you get him to come with you? Dogs are not allowed." The rule of no dog attracts Harry's attention. Why are no dogs allowed? There can be owls, cats, and even rats but why not a dog? Is it because of Sirius? 

"That is none of your concern." A disgusting smell has Harry's head turn.

"Oh Drakey, you are so right." You have got to be joking. Parkinson as Draco called her is flirting with way too many hormones. Now there is a real bitch. Huffing, Harry curls his body closer and covers his nose with his tail. The only way to block the vile stench from the girl.

"Why don't you go see Greengrass?" Draco suggests to the irritating girl constantly flirting with him. She nods and walks off. "The trolley lady passed, why don't you two go and get something."

"Okay." Now leaves Blaise. He glances up from his book to look at Draco. Draco eyes the curled wolf and jerks his head to the door signaling to leave. Blaise a good friend leaves. 

"They are gone. I am also locking the door and closing the shade." Draco does quick work and sinks into the couch. Harry gets down and then hops on the other couch across to face Draco. 

Checking the coast is clear, Harry finally shifts into his human form with robes already put on. Rolling back his shoulders, he smiles at his friend. Who knew?

"What is going to happen when Dumbledore sees you are sitting with me?" Snape was able to grab the hat from the office and do the sorting at Malfoy manor. Harry is now a Slytherin.

"Be furious. I bet he will demand to see me right after the feast." 

"Betting are we, Potter? Alright, I will play along. Five sickles he demands to see you immediately when he finds you." Harry smirks nodding.

"You are on." The rest of the train ride is relaxing with no more interruptions. 

They got off the train and headed to the carriages. Harry glances over and sees Hermione and Ron talking and looking at him. Turning away, he gets on the carriage with Draco and even Neville got on.

"Longbottom? What are you doing here?" Draco sneers.

"It is alright Draco. Hey Neville." The shy boy smiles and nods.

"Hi Harry, glad to see you again." Harry gazes at Neville. Why has he not been added to the order? He may be nervous but he has potential. "I heard there is a new DADA that came from the ministry."

"Really? I did not know that." Turning to the side, Harry sees Draco surprised. "Anything else you heard?"

"The order and Dumbledore have been looking for you. The twins told me and uh...they are catching on that you might have gotten an early creature inheritance. They noticed you at the ice cream shop." 

"Thank you Neville for telling me." Harry smiles at the boy. Neville had not once given him any reason to be untrustable. Harry does not give him a hard time but with the order, he is going to give them hell.

Making it to the carriages, Harry walks with Draco to the Slytherin table after bidding Neville goodbye and good luck. Sitting at the table, he feels everyone staring at him. Whispers fly about to their friends and eyes remain on Harry.

"It does not take long for people to talk," Harry says to Draco.

"Hm, dramatic." Harry smiles scoffing.

"You used to be the same. Dramatic."

"I do not know what you are referring to."

"Oh, it's killed me. It's killed me." Harry imitates Draco's voice reminding them of the third year with Buckbeak.

"I was wounded."

"Yeah and a pussy." Harry chuckles grinning when Draco pouts and shoves him with his shoulder.

"Like you are any better." Harry looks at Draco waiting for a moment he was dramatic. "Forget it."

"I win."

"For now Potter." The teasing drops when the sorting finishes and Dumbledore stands for his yearly speech with the dark forest.

"...may I introduce Ms. Dolores Umbridge filling in for Defense against the dark arts teacher. Good luck professor. And may I see Harry Potter immediately in my office."

"Headmaster, it is dinner. Can the discussion wait for morning?" Harry does not want to lose to a bet.

"Now!" He walks to the side room and Harry glares handing Malfoy the sickles and heading after the old man. Keeping his wand in his hand, he grows with the wicked smirk from Umbridge. what is with her?

Entering the room, he descends the stairs and leans on the wall. Dumble-nuts looks at him first with aggression before he puts on his grandfather's act.

"Harry, my boy, apologies for bellowing at you but this is serious. what happened?" Harry keeps his gaze on his wand not allowing the headmaster the chance to look into his mind.

"First of all headmaster, I am not your boy. I would be entirely disgusted to be part of your blood. Second, why does it matter? I went off on my own and here I returned back for school to learn more magic. I see no issues here." Harry has planned for this the last few days and knows he cannot trust the old man who is a huge git. More than Ron that is for sure.

"Harry, you sound like you do not trust me. What has happened with Malfoy? Ms. Granger and young Mr. Weasley saw you shaking hands with Malfoy at the ice cream shop in Diagon Alley. If you are becoming a spy I congratulate you but you should have told us."

"I am not turning into anything. I need not tell you anything. I am a boy with magic who left his relatives and is friends with Draco. He is not as bad as I thought he was. Guess it was due to inexperience with the wizarding world. It clearly was not my fault. No, it wasn't but who is it...oh yes. That is right. You are the one who brought me to muggle relatives who knew absolutely nothing about magic. Quite the brilliant idea for a senile old man."

"Harry, I am sorry for this but I believe you are under Tom's control." Harry casts a shield to block the spell that attacked him. 

"I am under nobody's control. Not yours nor Tom's. I am simply Harry Potter the boy who is attending Hogwarts. Good night headmaster." Leaving the man in the room still with a shield wrapped around him, he goes to sit next to Draco once more. Draco sensing the anger swirling around Harry remains quiet. The talk did not end well and it is just the beginning.

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