◇ "I'm Sorry, Munson" ◇

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I was surprised, how Eddie plays the guitar so smoothly. I couldn't take my eyes off him, when he was playing. He noticed my stare and kept smiling as he played the guitar.

But soon, the bats started coming closer, he quickly grabbed my hand pulled me inside the trailer.

"Wow! Eddie, you played it so beautifully", I grinned.

"Thank you, sweetheart!", he pulled me in for a kiss.

Suddenly, the bats started knocking the trailer, so Eddie and I started blocking the way for them to come. But they started going crazy.

"Let's go, N/N"

He grabbed my wrist and told me to climb the rope.

"You first, Eddie"



"Okay, okay"

He went to the other side and fell on the mattress.

"Come on, N/N"

I started to climb it, but I heard the bats screeching. They didn't kill Vecna yet? What if the bats run after them? Everyone will be in danger....

I need to distract them..

"What are you doing, Y/N, come on, it's not safe."

I climbed down the rope, "What the hell are you doing!, Y/N?"

"I am buying them some time... I will be right back"

I took the sword and cut off the rope, pushing away the mattress.

"Y/N, please, you don't have to do this"

"I will be safe, Ed, just stay here, I will be right back, okay? I love you", I smiled, knowing I probably won't make it out alive.

I took a last look at his gorgeous face, his eyes were glossy, I didn't wanted to leave him, his face broke my heart, but I had to do this...so I took my sword and shield and went towards the door.

I opened the door and saw the swarm of bats (More than 100) glued on the wall.

I saw my bicycle laying on the floor. I got on it, and ran away as fast as I can to distract them.

"Come get me, shitheads!!", I yelled.

The bats came closer to me at their full speed, I ended up falling on the ground because my cycle tripped on the vines, causing me to lose my balance.

They started coming closer to me, I got up and ran, but I knew everyone was in danger. Steve, Nancy, Robin, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Erica and my Eddie.

So, I decided to fight them, I turned around, ready in my defense position with the spear in my hand as I shielded myself, the bats came closer and ended up on the spikes, only some of them.

They started roaming in circles around me, making no way to escape.

I tried to kill them, but the other bats fled closer to me,

Before I knew, I was slammed on the ground as the bats held me onto the ground, biting me on my sides.

I screamed in pain at the top of my lungs. The bats continued gnawing on my sides, I shut my eyes trying to bear the immense pain.

Tears rolled down my eyes at the intense pain, and that was it.

I knew I wasn't going to make it....

My eyes started getting heavier and I felt really tired, due to loss of blood. There was silence around me as the bats limped on the ground.

My eyes started to flutter, I heard the faint voice of footsteps coming towards me.


He came into my view and knelt down near me and pulling my head on his lap, gently. His face showed a look of panic and concern, as he observed my wounds.

"Y/N, ohhh shit, I told you not to go down there", tears rolled down his eyes, falling onto my cheeks.

"Is it that bad?", I asked, my voice got raspy due to the wounds on my neck.

"No, no, no. You are gonna be okay, let's take you to the hospital", he tried to carry me, but I felt extreme pain rush through my body.

"Ed-Eddie, give me a minute", he nodded, brushing my hair out of my face as he stroked my cheek, gently.

I looked at him and gave him a soft smile.

"We finally won, Eddie", I grinned.

"Yeah, we did, sweetheart. We did it because of you", he said, kissing my forehead.

"L-Listen, p-promise me, you will look after Dustin when I'm gone and....a-and you'll..graduate f-for both of us", I said, tears streaming down my face.

"No! Don't say that, please! We both will look after him", he said, choking out a sob.

"No Eddie, Promise me, please", I said, my voice below a whisper.

I could see him, trying to control his tears, but he couldn't, it broke my heart to leave him. I didn't wanted to, I wanted to have a future with him. I wanted to graduate with him, I wanted to marry him, I wanted to explore the world with him by my side, but I couldn't...

"I-I promise"

"Thanks, Eddie. I-I guess it's...finally our y-year, I love you", I said, trying to smile but my eyes were growing heavier and heavier.

"I love you too", he said, looking away but he snapped his head towards me, instantly.

"Y/N!! Wake up, love! C'mon swee-", I heard his faint voices and a faint touch on my cheek before it all started fading away...

I fluttered my eyes open as much as I can and looked up at him, smiling but I started to choke and saw darkness covering around your eyes.

With a last breath, I squeezed his hand tightly, and closed my eyes, letting my body go limp...

I was gone.

(Hey guys, this is my first one, Hope you enjoyed this, it kinda had a sad ending. But, other stories are in progress!, Stay tuned)

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