Chapter 4: Fugitive

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The second I woke up, my body shot upright. I slammed my head against something hard, not knowing exactly what it was. My eyes adjusted to the bright light and I saw Ava was sitting on the bed with me, covering her forehead with her hands.

Agis: "A-Ava!! I-I'm sorry!!"

Ava smiled.

Ava: "Don't worry, I'm just glad you're okay. You... really scared everyone"

I rubbed the back of my head, which hurt from Alice slamming something against it. Then, memories of what happened flooded my mind. Tears swelled in my eyes, however I tried to control myself.

Ava: "Agis... you know it's okay to cry..."

Agis: "Yeah..."

I fell back and laid on my back, resting my head on the soft pillow.

Agis: "I'm sorry... I'm such a burden to you..."

Ava: "N-No! Don't say that. You have every right to be mad and upset. You've been through so much in the past few days..."

Agis: "Few days?"

Ava: "You've been out for two days, Alice really hit you hard"

Agis: "T-Two days?!"

Ava: "You would've been out much longer if Alice had waited longer to knock you out. Whatever wind ability you used drained you of a lot of energy. Even now, you probably don't have much energy to spare. So please rest, I'll get you some food and water"

She turned away and left the room, leaving me alone. I looked around and saw I was back in her little infirmary / lab, with potions and books lining shelves.

After failing to get off of the bed due to every bone in my body aching, Ava came back in with a tray of food. There was a turkey leg, a baked potato, a small roll of bread, and a glass of some kind of juice.

I immediately dug in. The food was so good, however I didn't cry this time. While I ate, Ava pulled out a book and turned to a certain page.

Ava: "Agis, how much do you know of the King's Candidate and selection?"

Agis: "Only the stuff you and the King told me. Other than that, not much"

Ava: "I should've told you this earlier..."

Agis: "Ava... I'm sorry... but I don't want to know"

Ava: "W-What? Why?"

Without meaning to, I got mad.

Agis: "I-I just watched my Dad die!! All the things he said to me... everything he lied about..."

I grabbed the sides of my head.

Agis: "Everything keeps repeating in my head. F-First Mom, now Dad... I don't have anything left anymore..."

I could see Ava wasn't sure what to say.

Agis: "I... I just want this nightmare to end..."

Ava: "Agis... I'm sorry... but this is reality..."

Agis: "I... I hate reality...!! I'm alone!!"

Ava: "Agis, you aren't alone"

Agis: "Who do I have then?!"

Ava: "You... you have me and Alice"

Agis: "Alice hates me...! She only protected me because she was ordered to! You were probably ordered to take care of me too..."

Ava: "That's not true"

Agis: "I don't know what's true and what's a lie anymore...!!! I want my old life back...!!! I want Mom back!!!"

The entire time, I hadn't realized I was crying. Tears ran down my face uncontrollably.

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