Sense's Death

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Sense's Death

"L's dead?!" Said one of Whammy house's children. Sense who was sitting on a chair reading a book had already heard of the news, hearing it again was just reinforcing it. The pain spread once more. His stomach dropped, his chest folded up in to a small ball, and the tears began again. he closed the book that he had just begun and slowly he made his way to his bedroom. Feet shuffling on the floor and his head hanging low. slowly reality crept in 'why is he dead? did he do something wrong? did he try to team up with kira or something? No. No he didn't yet kira is out there killing people and L is 9 feet under!' His temper simmering he punched his door "This is fucking bullshit!" People walked down the hall way startled at his action's. Sense slowly opened his door. This room that once held such great memories was soon to be flooded with blood and tears. pain and agony and also loss. The feeling of loss will devour this room. It will eat Sense and everything that he holds dear until there is nothing and no one left.

Sense lied down on his bed. Slowly. Almost as if he thought of himself as fragile doll he took the knife that was in a drawer beside his bed out. Once more the tears rolled down his face. He felt utter defeat. The person he loved most, is dead. Never did sense have family. L was the closest thing to family. He was Sense's hero his saviour his light through the darkness. Now there was no more light just a rotting corpse. A dead lying monster was all that was left. A giant scar was what he was left with, and no one. No one. will be able to fix that there will always be a hole. From this moment on Sense didn't realize it, but he had begun his life as a shell of someone he was supposed to be, and to that he cut.

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