Return of the Russians (part 2)

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I looked in my rear view mirrors to see a jet close on my tail, and he had a lock on my jet. I then saw two missiles fire towards me so I grabbed my parachute and bailed over an enemy warship. I looked up to see my jet go up in a ball of flames and crash past me to hit the warship... and sink it!!!! I landed on a small island and signalled a pickup. We then flew back to the carrier with turrets finishing off the rest of the jets. " That was close Alex" the pilot said to me but ignored him at the thought of that dream i had last night. We all met at the meeting room and discussed the ways we could finish this war because the big score didn't have any effect on the Russian army. "We need something more effective boys, so what've you got." Sighed Sargent davids. "I got it!" Said Jack " but I'll need some gunpowder and five Fly-Drones." Said Jack excitedly. "Sure thing Jack, but what's your plan?".....

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