The big score

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The blackbird flew over the ocean at about 450mph making me seem a little nervous about the drop. At about six mics we jumped out the back and I saw the pilot spin the plane and fly to the carrier. "Ready for radio silence. Over." I called to signify start of mission. "Lets go boys" I said before we dived down and swam towards the subs. the cool water refreshed me from the warm metal at the carrier. By the time we reached the sub Guy had already hacked into the doors and security system and got us in. Maverick and I went in first, followed closely by Guy and Jack. maverick threw a smoke grenade and we ran for the closest room, which happened to be the armoury so we swapped out wetsuits for some Russian army vests and got some Russian guns that I don't know the name of. We then strolled out and asked for directions to the power room, "Как я могу получить в комнате питания?" Maverick asked, which he told us meant 'how do I get to the power room?' So Maverick lead us to the power room and Jack planted the bomb. "Now let's get outta here" I said turning around but I stopped when I saw a gun fly to the side of my head and knocked me out.

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