Second strike

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His whole family along with Stolas and his daughter are tied up. On the ground lined up.

Zeek: The fuck's going on?

Stella: I wanted to make this plain and simple. But you had to make it all go to shit. So instead of just killing my pitiful husband. I think I'll take you all out the picture. Cause if I kill one then you all would come after me. And well. We can't have that can we.

Zeek: Today is not that day for this shit. Why do you want to kill all of them?

Stella: I won't just kill them. I'll kill you to. Then find your soul and put it through so much torture for ruining my life.

Zeek: What did I DO?!!!! Why is everyone so fucking fixed on making my feel miserable and hurt until I am completely gone?!!!!

Stella: You killed my leverage. Striker was the best bounty hunter there was in all of hell. Or maybe I could use you. And use your family as leverage.

Zeek: You fucking cu$t.

Everyone sits there in shock of what he just said.

Stella: What did you call me?!!

Zeek: I'm like my father. I hate repeating myself. You heard exactly what I said. I warned you of what will happen if you pulled this shit again. And well you crossed that line.

Stella: Say another smart ass thing and I'll kill the one who means the most to you.

Zeek gets even more frustrated but remains at a calm state.

Zeek: You touch one of them... never mind.

Stella: That's what I thought. Now who's first?

Octavia: Mom. What are you doing. He didn't mean to hurt you. And Zeek didn't do anything but protect his family.

Zeek puts his hand up and his index finger on his mouth. Telling her to be quiet.

Zeek: You want to see the real meaning of spirit of vengeance. By all means.

His eyes begin to turn to flames. And the outside of his eye lends create this black string.

Stella: Where... what did you do. That power is forbidden.

Zeek: For a demon it is. But I've fought the toughest demons before I met any of them. There's shit I've faced that you only see in your nightmares. LET THEM GO!!!
If you want to kill me. Then go ahead and try! I'm right here!

Stella points her gun at Zeek and shoots him. The bullet goes into his mouth and he holds it. Acting like he got hurt Stella feels a sense of accomplishment.

Zeek gets back up and grabs Stella by the throat.

Zeek: Dumbass bitch. Not even a gun that kills demons can hurt me.

He looks to Stolas and asks

Zeek: What do want me to do with her your highness.

Stolas: Finish her.

Octavia: NOO!!!

Zeek: Why. Give me a good reason why I shouldn't burn her soul right now.

Octavia: She's still my mother.

Stella then grabs her gun and aims it at Stolas. Zeek grabs her hand and breaks it completely off. Throws her on the stairs and beats her face. Over and over again blood spreading everywhere.

Zeek: Your daughter stood up for you, defended you, cared for you, and you spit on her face. Tried to kill her father in fort of her eyes. (*puts her in chock hold position) And now. You die.


Body falls to the floor. Stella is dead.

Stolas: You've really become a demon killer.

Zeek: I did what had to be done your highness. Sorry you all had to see that. You all ok?

Everyone nods their heads yes. Octavia is shocked. Mary gets untied by blitz and runs to Zeek. Hugging him tightly.

Mary: I was so scared. I thought she was going to kill mommy and everyone else. Thank you.

Zeek hugging her back: That's what I'm here for. I'm sorry Octavia. She would've killed you all. I had to stop her...

Octavia: Thank you for saving our lives.

Zeek: Any day ma'am. Let's go home. I'm done

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