Ghost reunion

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As Zeek drives off he's is followed by blitz and Loona. They go to the cemetery.

Blitz: What are we doing here?

Loona: Oh shit.

Blitz: What?

Zeek goes to an area in the cemetery and sits down. Blitz and Loona gets out the van and sees that there's a line of people buried. It's his whole family. Mother, father, 3 brothers, and two sisters. He's the last of his blood line

Blitz: Oh fuck that's rough.

Zeek: Why did you follow me?

Loona: We're worried about you. You can't just run off like that.

Zeek: I didn't need help.

Blitz: Yeah. We see that.

Zeek: Why are you here?

Loona: We just wanted to help you. And don't say that you don't need it.

Zeek: You see this? Take a good look. My flesh and blood lies inside the ground. Every last one. That's my fault. I couldn't save my father, my mother, none of my brothers, or my sisters. What am I supposed to do about that? Nothing. There's nothing I can do. I can't even punish myself by ending it all cause I'll just heal and come right back. Then folk wonder why I have issues. Especially with anger.

Blitz: Ok so why is anger your first reaction to these things?

Zeek: Just the way I'm wired. It's honestly easier to be mad at something that you can't control than to be sad about it. Why do you kill people on earth. Is it a stress reliever that you get paid to do? Or just another job?

Blitz: Fair point.

Zeek: Look I'm just here to reflect. Ok. And spend some time with them.

Loona: But...

Blitz: No. let's just go. We'll meet him back home. Take your time man see ya.

Zeek sits down at the gravesite. Going down memory lane he just sits there and remembers how things were growing up. How it was easy. Fun. Less stressful. The good and the bad times he had as a kid.

Zeek: All I want is to see them one last time. And make it right before they go. Tell them I'm sorry. I've been a terrible brother. And a son. I can't live up to their expectations. I just wanna.... Never mind. See you all soon.

He gets up and leaves. Once he's on the road he begins to tear up. The stress and pressure is too much at the moment. He pulls over and takes off the helmet. And starts to cry. There on the side of the road, a figure comes up and sees him.

Alastor: HEYY. My old pal ghost rider. How've you been?

Zeek: Oh shit. My bad man. Just wrestling with thoughts right now.

Alastor: Oh not to worry my friend. Just taking a break from all this hotel business. How's the wife and kids?

Zeek: Mary and Loona are doing good. Planing our honeymoon soon but we just don't have any ideas. Not yet anyway.

Alastor: Well you could ask your family members about that.

Zeek: Yeah they're dead.

Alastor: Oh. Dear. Sorry about that zeek. I had no idea. Are they in hell?

Zeek: Nope. It's just me here. Hopefully I won't be the last of my blood line for long.

Alastor: Indeed you won't. I have a good feeling about the family you'll raise. Ooo! I can be the one uncle that no one knows about.

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