[ chapter 4.2 ] a new friend

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Zeus had never gotten along with Poseidon since he always neglected him and he used to always blame him for everything but now he wanted to have a fresh start so he along with Hades decided to have a brother bonding time but then Poseidon unexpectedly made a new friend

PS: it's 12Am and I'm tired asf but I wanna upload so I don't loose some viewers oh and again this is my AU

I added some highlighted word's in the chapter and in some sentence so if you see a letter like this Aa I formed it in a straight line so you can figure out some of the clue word's I left out on what happened to Poseidon

beware of:

Bad language
( like sh!t but uncensored )

suicidal thought's
( thinking about killing yourself )

Sexual harassment
( someone touching you without consent )

baby talk
( Poseidon forgot how to pronounce words so he might have some trouble saying words
for example:
cam wi get suup?
can we get soup?
did it make sense )

read here / Hades POV:

"Hey Pos?" I said
"y-yeah?" Pos said still afraid of me
"do you wanna go to the mall?" I asked

I looked at Pos and he nodded

"I'll take that as a yes come on Pos I'll get Zeus so the three of us will have some brother - sibling bonding time" I said
"o-okey" he said

after I got Zeus and we arrive at the mall

"Hey Pos can you stay at toy R'us while me and Zeus talk?" I said
"mhm" Poseidon said

Poseidon's POV:

hadie told me to Stay at Toy R'us while he talks wip Zuzu but wien I wus thew I saw som things cawled kanetic sand, hatchemals, play dow and l.o.l watear suuprise I wanted to but them becawse they wooked nice but ip I mube Hadie miaht get mad amb puwnish

ask I wus waiting por Hadie and Zuzu Somewone grabed mew

"L-let gow o-op me!" I said scawed
"why should I listen to you?" hew saiwd bepor he placde hes hand on my cock amd bit my neck

I started tow teaw up but thewn

??? POV:

I was walking to toys R'us when I saw someone sexual harassing someone I
ran towards them

"HEY!" I yelled before punching the guy hard knocking him outp
"hey you okay?" I said to the harassed guy
"y-yeah t-thank wu" He said
"I'm Pierce, how about you?" I asked
"I'm Pevrn" Pevrn said
"nice you meet you! hey Pevrn can I call you Pev?" I said
"S-sur, and I'm sowy that I'm nut ponouncing words wight I bad at ponouncing wurds" Pev said
"it's find Pev" I said
"c-cam we ve pwends?" Pev said
"Yeah sure we can be friends" I said

he then hugged me I know we just met but he looks cute his voice his eyes everything about him is perfect I hope nothing else bad happens to him we were talking and saying things about ourselves but then

"Hey!" Someone yelled behind me
"Uhm hi?" I said
"What the fuck are you doing with him?!" he said sounding angry
"nothing I was just talking to him" I said
"really, hey lil bro?" he said
"hm?" Pev said
"did this bitch hurt you?" He said
"hey!" I said offended
"Nu" Pev said
"Alright then, wait what happened to this guy?" He said
"I knocked him out and by the way why would you leave your brother here? I litterly saw someone touching him without consent" i said
"WHAT?!" He yelled
"Pevrn is this true?!" He said

Pev nodded 'Yes'

"WHO?!" he yelled
"that guy on the floor" I said
"mhm" Pev said
"I'll take this guy somewhere then we'll talk okay?" he said
"okay" Pev said sounding a little scared
"So erm hi?" the person his brother came with said
"hi uhm my name is Pierce how about you?" I said
"my name is Zayden his little brother and that other guy who was yelling was our older brother Hendrix" Zayden said
"oh okay he's a bit over protective of Pev isn't he?" I said
"Yep he's always been like that but ever since Pevrn got kidnapped he's been losing his mind and when we found Pevrn he started to be super protective of him" Zayden said
"he got kidnapped?!" I said
"Yep" Zayden said sounding  a little guilty
"Poor Pevrn he got kidnapped and then he gotten sexual harassed" I said
"Yeah I know" Zayden said

after Hendrix came back he talked with Pevrn and hugged him and wouldn't let go of Pev's hand while we were getting along with each other after a few hours it was 10 minutes before the mall would close so we had to leave and we exchanged our number's and Hendrix apologized for calling me a bitch well it was more of a forced apology but he still apologized

[ with the big three ] 3rd POV:

"Hey Pos?" Hades said
"Y-yeah?" Poseidon said
"why are still scared of us?" Hades said
"becawse youw might huwt mew wike daddy diwd" Poseidon said
"daddy?" Hades said
"hew towd mea to cawl him that ow ewlse hew'll kill me" Poseidon said
"hadie pwese downt yell" Poseidon said while covering he's ears shivering in fear
"oh I'm sorry pos" Hades said before hugging Poseidon

Zeus then flashed in and hugged Poseidon and after a while they fell asleep next to each other


thanks for reading this book it really mean alot since I made this out of pure imagination and that makes me feel like I'm not the only one who has an imagination like this

please put down request because I'm losing idea's and might discontinue this book since I don't have anything in my mind aymore so please put in request?

times edited: 0
times accidentally deleted: 0

started making chapter:

finished making chapter:

word count: 1027 word's

thanks for reading!

drink water and eat food regularly stay safe!

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