[ chapter 4.1 ] Truce? Truce.

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Athena wanted to make up with poseidon for hating him for something he never did so she is gonna have a bonding time with poseidon which this chapter is made for

If you wanna read some pothena friendship
just read here have a good time and thanks for reading this

I'm Just a kid who doesn't know how to make a dating ship so I just made friendship

PS. I'm just using my immagination so somethings might have some gacha logic just not real logic

I'm in class right now so this might not be that good since I did make this in class and I am worried that the teacher will see me so I'm kinda worried and if I'm worried i might get some spelling wrong anyway enjoy reading this.

beware of:
bad language
( like sh!t but uncensored )

over-protective Percy
( his dad went missing for 2 - 3 years so when his father came back he is over-protective of him because he doesn't want him to get hurt again )

Poseidon hasn't talked in months and he forgot how to say some words so he might pronounce some words wrong

Read Here / Athena's POV

I need to apologize to Poseidon and make it up to him for blaiming him for something he didn't do but how though?
- i thought

I was going to the where Apollo told me where Poseidon and the demi-gods were

finally I'm Here!
- I thought

As i Entered the place where they were it took a good 3 minutes for me to spot poseidon's son who was dating my daughter

"Lady Athena!, why are you here? i thought you were at olympus." Percy said
"I was at olympus Perseus, but.. i came here, to see you're father" I said
"ooohh okay he's- wait why do you want see him?" Percy asked
"I need to make it up to him for thinking he did something he didn't even do for 9000 Years" I said
"okay?, wait you blamed him for something he didn't do?!, did you hurt him?!" Percy said
"No Perseus I promise you I didn't hurt him" I said
"fine and he's over there with the other's oh and by the way if I find out you hurt him I will make sure you will regret it!
I will be watching you and if I see you hurting him I will fucking kill you" Percy said in a cold tone
"I promise you Perseus I won't hurt your father" I said
"I don't believe you.. So I'll be watching you." Percy said

Poseidon has a terrifying son I won't wanna get into Perseus angry side
- I thought

as I was walking towards poseidon

"hey poseidon" I said
"hewo" Poseidon said
"Mom? how did you get here?" Annabeth said
"I walked here darling, can you all leave me and poseidon I wanna make up to him for a few things" I said
"okay?" Annabeth said

after the demigods walked away I grabbed poseidon and flashed to a mountain

"Thena? whay you tak us heaw?" Poseidon questioned
"I just wanted to apologize for you for what I did 9000 Years ago" I said
"it okay" Poseidon said
"wait really?" I said
"mhm" Poseidon mumbled

I hugged Poseidon and he surprisingly hugged back and we both talked for a while and I gave him a blue bear and he loved it we agreed to have a truce and be friends

Percy's POV

I was watching Athena and My father from a tree near them both I thought Athena was supposed to be smart but she wasn't even smart enough to look around she's lucky that my dad is still forgiving like the past

after a while she ( athena ) woke up

Athena's POV

I woke up after a while and I saw poseidon next to me god's why does he look so cute when he's asleep I grabbed him and kissed his forehead and I put him on my lap and then I hugged him why did I even hate him? oh yeah right medusa told me he raped her

after 10 - 12 minutes he started to wake up


after I finished this my class ended and I realized I never understood what she was teaching so I guess it isn't a surprise if I fail my class but I guess it'll be worth?

times edited: 0
times accidentally deleted: 0

started making chapter:
Febuary, 07, 2023

finished making chapter:
Febuary, 08, 2023

word count: 775 word's

thanks for reading!

drink water and eat food regularly stay safe!

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