explaining my au

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If you don't like my au please read it first if it isn't good tell me what you want to change I'll try to change it and if you don't wanna read then don't I'm not forcing I'm just encouraging you and have a good day<3

So in this au

Hades actually cares about Poseidon

Athena has a crush on Poseidon

The incident on the Athens or whatever it's called never happened so Medusa got her snake hair because of something else

Poseidon is very nice but likes to be alone because he likes having peace and quiet

Apollo annoys Artemis and doesn't have a close relationship with her

Apollo and Poseidon get along because Poseidon is the only person who understands his problem and the reason why he annoys Artemis

Poseidon is the therapist brother/uncle/friend

I'll be posting this very soon and if I don't post it's because I'm still writing the story or doing my school work or studying

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