[ chapter 3.8 ] HE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!

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Poseidon just got beaten half to death because ??? thought he was breaking one of the rules they gave to Poseidon

the rules are:
1. don't try to escape
2. don't yell or be loud
3. do not eat food without my permission
4. don't try to fight back
5. don't talk back at me
6. don't do anything without my permission
7. don't make a mess
8. stay still when i do it to you
9. always listen to me

and if he broke any of those rules he will be terribly punished

( I'm sorry Poseidon😞 )

and with this Poseidon developed
1. an eating disorder
2. flinching when someone will hit him
3. scared if he makes a mistake
4. trauma
6. Low self-esteem
7. scared if he fails to do what someone wants/needs
8. scared of loud noises
9. sensitivity
10. depression
11. anxiety
12. scared to make his own choice/decision

bad language ( like sh!t but uncensored )
doors getting broken down ( R.I.P doors )

_________________read here!_______________
no one's POV:

Poseidon is sitting on the ground after he was tortured 2 year has passed by

time sure is fast huh?

Poseidon was just sitting on the ground and he had lost hope that someone would rescue him he thought that he deserves this for not being a good person even though he was one of the nicest boys he still thought he wasn't

he thought he was rude to people when he didn't do what they wanted him to do

he thought he was a monster when he made people sad even though it wasn't his fault

he blamed himself for everything bad that happened to people

he was starting to tear up from the thought of his friends

Let's just call ??? Pedro for now

Pedro walked in poseidon tearing up and he felt a sudden guilt
he was feeling guilty for torturing poseidon so he walked up to poseidon then when poseidon saw him he immediately started shaking with fear poseidon thought that Pedro is mad at him and he was shocked when pedro sat beside him and hugged him

poseidon was still in fear because he thought pedro is tricking him and pushed pedroaaway pedro then got angry and was about to hit him

"I'm sorry!, please just please don't hit me!" Poseidon said

that's when pedro realized that he had broken the god infront of him

the once happy man he knew was long gone because of him..

then pedro snapped out of his thoughts when he heard some violent coughing he looked at poseidon

"blood?!" Pedro yelled scaring poseidon
"I'm so-sorry!" poseidon whimpered

pedro knew why poseidon was coughing blood and he was furious that poseidon didn't say anything about it to him then pedro saw some tear drops drop from poseidon's face to the floor

pedro hugged poseidon knowing he
scared him and poseidon was shivering in fear

"I'm sorry..." Poseidon whispered

pedro felt guilty for what he had done t
what had pedro done to him pedro

the once happy, talkative, brave god
was now unhappy, quiet, scared god

decided to give him back to the gods but didn't want to get punished by them so he grabbed a note and wrote on it and delivered it somewhere..

_______________on olympus_______________

"has anyone found any clue?!" Zeus yelled
"no.." was the only thing everyone said

everyone was unhappy because of this then a note spawned out of where Zeus grabbed the note and read it out loud so the other gods could hear

i have poseidon
go to 467 Don E. Ejercito and go to the basement he is there
~ by Marcos Pedro G. Bernando

all the gods thought this was a trap but they knew this might also be true so they did the only thing they thought of
they went to the location when they arrived they kicked down the poor door then went in they found the door to the basement and broke the door

they went down the stairs and saw poseidon with scars and bruises he was chained up and had some blood dripping down he had some scratch marks

they all ran to him and broke him out from the chains and took him back to olympus

thanks for reading this and this isn't the end!

i will make a chapter where the gods will slowly discover what
Marcos Pedro G. Bernando Did to him

I came up with that name because marcos is my presidents name and pedro was the name of my Ex-online friend and g stands for Gevens and bernando because that was one of my other Ex-online friend name so it became Marco's Pedro G. Bernando does it make sense?

times edited: 0
times accidentally deleted: 0

started making chapter: December,21,2022
finished making chapter: December,21,2022

word count: 843 words

thanks for reading!

drink water and eat food regularly stay safe!

words changed:

nothing yet

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