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The second time teleporting went way better than the first time. This time I feel less dizzy as we land inside the mansion, in a corridor to be precise. Kevin places his index finger in front of his lips to underline one more time for me to be quiet, and I nod in understanding.

Slowly and as quite as possible, we sneak through the hallways. Somewhere in the distance, I can hear some voices. Well, mostly one voice. A roaring, loud and most definitely terrifying voice. When we get closer to the sound, I hear fragments that yell: "... You're a shame to this family... How dare you... I should be killing you... You're such a failure..." I swallow the fear away and keep on following Kevin's tracks, until he suddenly stops us at the point the corridor ends in what seems like a gigantic hall.

Kevin peeks around the corner and gestures that I can do the same. When I do, I'm facing something that seems like a throne room. All the furniture is made of stone, including the huge chair in which a gorgeous but frightening looking man is sitting. This amazingly intimidating person is yelling at someone that is trapped in a cage that is attached to the ceiling with a thick chain. I recognize the person inside immediately; Jackson, Jun's cousin. And I'm guessing the creepy man in the chair must be Jun's father, Taehyung.

 And I'm guessing the creepy man in the chair must be Jun's father, Taehyung

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I back up the second I take a look at him. His appearance is just so extremely terrifying and I immediately get from whom Jun has gotten that scary analyzing hawk eyes. But I was so wrong thinking Jun could scare me with the way he looks at people, his father is at least ten times worse. He also reminds me so badly of his other son, Felix. Mostly because of the same growling voice he uses to intimidate his victim.

"Do you know what kind of danger you've put us and yourself in?" Taehyung bellows at the young adult. "What were you even thinking? Allowing a daywalker inside of your home?"

"Those myths are just myths, uncle," Jackson's voice speaks. "I have been investigating for quite a while now and..."

"Silence!" The way Taehyung speaks makes my heart skip a beat. Kevin notices and attempts to guide me away, back into the corridor, when Taehyung suddenly calls: "Captain, bring me my son!"

I freeze and immediately dare to take a look around the corner again. From a doorway, I can hear the sounds of chains coming closer as Jun is being escorted into the hall. He has a metal collar around his neck on which a chain is attached that Felix is holding while smiling proudly. Jun's wrists are also tied together with metal handcuffs and chains, held by another guy who Taehyung probably referred to when he called for the Captain.

"And there is the biggest disgrace of the family," Taehyung speaks while looking his son in the eyes, who just stares back at him with that same emotionless look I know a bit too well

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"And there is the biggest disgrace of the family," Taehyung speaks while looking his son in the eyes, who just stares back at him with that same emotionless look I know a bit too well.

"Looking in the mirror again, father?" Jun speaks in a monotone voice.

Taehyung clearly didn't like that comment as he commands the Captain to smack Jun in the face, which he does while grinning evilly and licking his lips right after.

I want to step in as I see Jun getting hurt, but Kevin firmly puts me back down.

"We can't act yet," he whispers at me, looking me in the eyes.

I nod, however, I proceed to look around the corner in a squatting position, ready to run in any direction whenever I need to.

Taehyung slowly walks up to his son. "What have I ever done to you, that made you think it is acceptable to kill what I loved most?" he hisses while intensely staring into Jun's eyes.

"You got a minute?" Jun smirks at him, not seeming to care about the amount of danger he's currently in.

This time, the Captain isn't the one to beat Jun up, his own father is. Taehyung's fist collides with Jun's nose, making his head fall back, only to look back at his father with an even wider grin on his face. "You've just proven part of my point, father."

"You disrespectful piece of shit," Taehyung mutters. "Why couldn't you be more like your brother?"

"Guess I never dreamt about becoming your puppet."

"You were supposed to be a great example for him, someone he could look up to. But no, you've decided to swing this way," Taehyung shakes his head in disbelieve of his son's attitude.

Jun shrugs, still not seeming to care. "I did what was best for everyone."

"You did what was best for yourself."

"Says who?" Jun has lost his careless monotone voice at this point and he suddenly starts yelling while his voice starts trembling, as if his father just hit him right at the painful spot. "You are the one who thought it was fine to kill two innocent boys just because your mother threatened to kill your wife if you didn't!"

"So you just killed my wife, your own mother, instead? Do you really think that is the right way?"

"You could have run away!" Jun cries. "You could have taken her and Felix and me with you and run away from our toxic family, maybe even shown us some love along the road. But no, you're just as bitter as they are, ready to kill off everything that is not as superior as us vampires, just because you're so scared of their powers."

"Don't tell me about being scared and showing love," Taehyung hisses. "I have loved your mother more than anything in this world, and you've taken her away from me."

"It was my pleasure," Jun says, back in his monotone voice, his head down

Taehyung has had enough of it and commands Felix to hand his son over to him. Together with the Captain, he drags the boy towards the stone chair and demands him to sit down, which of course, as stubborn as Jun is, he refuses. With brutal force, he is then sat and Felix hands over a enormous machete to his father.

"Taehyung, don't you dare!" Jackson hopelessly screams, still trapped in his cage and not able to do something to help his little nephew get away.

"Oh, you're up next," Taehyung yells as he raises the machete high up in the air, ready to end his son's life.

I can't watch this anymore and redeem myself from Kevin's grip, sprinting towards the grown man and reaching for the machete while screaming: "JUN!"

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