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"I... I thought Felix was on a school trip," I stammer.

"He was, he just got home right after you two," my stepmother tells me.

I feel all confidence I had left soaping out of my body as I think about him being here. My legs feel like they're made out of wet spaghetti and I struggle with standing upright.

Jun must have noticed, he firmly grabs my arm again and slowly guides me into the dining room. I keep looking down as I sit down at the dining table, facing my father, as Jun sits down next to me, opposite my stepbrother.

"Who's your boyfriend?" my stepbrother Felix immediately asks.

I blink a few times, feeling so silly that even just hearing his voice almost makes me want to cry, but it does

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I blink a few times, feeling so silly that even just hearing his voice almost makes me want to cry, but it does.

"Well...?" Felix demands an answer as he bumps his fist down the table a little bit too harsh, making me flinch.

"Just..." I stammer, but I am barely hearable. I just can't get my voice to act normal and speak in a intelligible volume.

"Just what?" Felix growls. "He is just what? Come on Channieboy, tell me, who did you bring with you today?"

When I finally look at him, he has that evil smile on his face, showing his perfect white teeth. Just looking him in the eyes is making me sweat like a maniac and that's why I quickly look away and try to answer him, just to be done with his stupid question. "He is just a friend from school," I mutter.

I dare to take a look at my left and can't help but feeling surprised when I notice Jun is also looking down, fiddling with his hands. He doesn't look nervous or anything, but just not like himself. Usually, he is full of confidence, staring deep into your soul until he breaks it apart. But now, he's faced down. What could possibly make him faced down? Is my stepbrother really that bad he even gets Jun to break down his walls of self-esteem?

"Tsssk, you really couldn't get anything better I see," Felix scoffs. "Still trouble making friends, huh?"

My dad nervously chuckles. "He's just joking." I guess that was directed to Jun.

Jun is still not reacting, not looking me, nor my dad, nor my stepmom, nor my stepbrother in the eyes. I feel so bad for him. Why didn't I refuse when he wanted to join me on this trip to my dad's house?

Because he would have come anyway.

After an awkward diner, I announce that Jun and I will be doing our homework in my room and we excuse ourselves. Luckily, Felix didn't bother us much after all during the diner, but I feel his eyes burning in my back as Jun and I walk out of the dining room and I can't wait until we're safely back upstairs, away from him.

I close my bedroom door behind us and lock it. Jun notices, but doesn't say anything about it.

"Well, let's just start, I guess," I say to break the tension.

Jun nods, and in silence we grab our school stuff and get started on our assignments. I'm glad school is the only thing we're talking about at the moment and that he doesn't mention anything related to my family. The distraction this school project feels like an absolute relieve and even though I'm so ashamed for my whole family-situation, I'm glad Jun is here with me. I don't really know why, but his presence makes me somehow feel safe.

When it is time for bed, we brush our teeth and I go to get Jun a mattress and a blanket as he changes into some sweatpants and a T-shirt of mine, since he didn't bring any of his own.

"Goodnight," I say as we're both in our sleepwear and ready for bed.

"Hm," Jun nods in my direction. He has his blanket covering his legs, but he is still sitting up.

I just lay down, close my eyes and try to get some sleep. But I get that weird feeling as if someone is staring at me. And indeed, when I open my eyes, Jun is still on the mattress, sitting up and staring at me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him.

"No," he says.

"Then why are you not going to sleep?"

He shrugs. "Not sleepy."

"Oh, okay," I mutter and turn around in my bed so that my back faces him. While closing my eyes, I try to not think about the fact that he might still be staring at me.

Will he be staring at me the whole night?

Mysterious boyWhere stories live. Discover now