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"Wha... Jun?" I stammer.

Kevin rolls his eyes at me. "Yeah, Jun. Moon Junhwi, your vampire bestie."

I'm stunned by the fact that Kevin knows him, and apparently he also knows about Jun being a vampire. Who is this Kevin? 

"Let's take care of this first," Kevin mutters and grabs the wooden chair, walks up to the corner of the room, places down the chair to climb on the object and raises his middle finger at the camera.


Anyhow, Kevin removes the camera from the wall and smashes the device down to the floor. Then he jumps right on it, breaking it even more.

"I..." I stutter. "What... I didn't know they were recording me."

"They weren't," Kevin says. "They were broadcasting the footage to Taehyung."

I tilt my head. "Taehyung?"

"Jun's father." He's telling me this as if it is all supposed to make sense now, but it doesn't. Nothing of all this makes sense.

"What does Jun's father have to do with all this?"

"Everything," Kevin says and turns around. "Follow me."

For a moment, I'm doubting what to do. Is it wise to follow this guy who just randomly showed up in this room, beating up the two guys that had kidnapped me? And I'm still not even sure that everything that is happening is real. Is this guy even here? Am I even here?

However, he told me that Jun is in trouble. Whether everything that is happening to me is real or not, there is still one thing to rely on, the person I've relied on with my whole pitiful life for the past few days, and that person is Jun. Even if it turns out that Jun doesn't exist, that I've made this whole person up in my mind, I would still sell my soul to the devil to see him again, to feel save again.

So, after taking one more look over my shoulder at the unconscious bodies of Vernon and Wonwoo, I follow Kevin outside, where he suddenly stands still and demands me to hold out my left arm. When I do so, he grabs a bandage and a bottle of disinfection out of the pocket of his jacket and starts taking care of the cut in my arm. A lots of supplies are coming from his pocket; tapes, plasters, bandages. His jacket reminds me of Hermione's bag in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, when I'm imagining Kevin has unlimited space inside those pockets.

When I'm all plastered up, Kevin looks at me and tells me: "I'm going to do something that might scare you. Please keep your mouth shut. You understand me?"

What could he possibly be planning to do now? Is he going to reveal being a unicorn? Honestly, I wouldn't even be surprised at this point.

Unfortunately, Kevin does not turn into a unicorn. Instead, he suddenly wraps his arms around me and before I can consider why he is hugging me all of a sudden, the ground underneath my feet starts to fade away, such as my sight. I'm being blinded by the color white, as that is all I'm seeing and I squint my eyes as I hold on tightly to Kevin's body, who's arms I can still feel as they are wrapped around me.

Then, just as soon as it had left, the ground underneath my feet has returned and Kevin lets go of me. A bit dizzy, I fall to the ground and breath in heavily.

"What just happened?" I ask as I look up.

"Sssh," Kevin shushes me. Oh right, he told me to be quiet. But none the less, he answers me: "I just teleported us."

He did what now?

Now that I come to my senses, I notice the warehouse is nowhere to be seen. All that I see is a dark forest surrounding us and an the ginormous mansion in front of me.

Kevin grabs me by my arm and helps me get up. "I need you to trust me, otherwise I can't guarantee we'll get both us and Jun out of here alive," he says, looking at the mansion. "Can I rely on you doing as I tell you so?"

I nod.

"Good," Kevin hums. "Then I need you to be absolutely quiet from now on, and then I'll teleport us inside."

While I still have no idea what might be going on, I know that Jun needs our saving. I had left him while he was fighting his brother, and now that even his father is in the picture, I'm highly doubting he is doing well. The only thing that needs my focus now is him, and so I'm shutting all of my other feelings and questions out.

I still have no clue who this Kevin might be, but I will help him get Jun out of this mansion. I must get Jun out of this mansion. To be honest, it doesn't really matter to me if my life depends on it or not.

For Jun to be safe is all I want.

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