The Red-Rose Tyrant 11-12

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Chapter 11-secret in the oysters - chapter 12- egg destroyers 

They were using magic to break the shells, I stood by watching as they did, after a while I got distracted and did my own thing, by that I mean I was cleaning up their mess, after a while I finally heard the signal “there! Finally got ‘em all pureed!” Ace groaned. 

“My arm is killing me..” deuce muttered. 

“Nice work. It’ll be all the sweeter for your pain!” trey spoke up “the smell alone already had me droolin’...” grim muttered as he jumped into my arms, trey looked down at a list before speaking again “I just need to add butter and sugar to the chestnut paste, and a sensible splash of oyster sauce—that’s my secret ingredient!” 

Ace and deuce’s bodies stiffened and a shocked look spread on their face “Oyrster sauce?!” Trey nodded “yep. The umami of oysters gived the cream a deep, savory flavor. I use this one here: walrus-brand young oyster sauce. All the best bakers use it in their tarts.” deuce was really thinking about it “really? But isn’t oyster sauce, like, super salty?” 

“Some folks put chocolate into curry, don’t they? Maybe it’s the same idea” ace nodded, “guys, he’s joking” I snickered, just then trey burst into laughter “I’m totally lying! No one in their right mind would put oyster sauce into a pastry.” 

“What?! So you were just yakin’ our chain?” Ace sounded surprised “ah ha ha! I mean, if you’d used your brain. You’d realize how ridiculous it was! Let that be a lesson to you. Don’t believe everything you hear.” Trey shook his head, grim huffed and crossed his paws, leaning back into my arms and looking up at me “feh. And here I thought that human was actually somewhat decent.” grim pouted and I chuckled and patted the top of his head. 

“Next, I’ll put in the cream… oh!” Trey paused looking around on the counter “what’s wrong?” ace questioned “you guys gathered so many chestnuts that we may have overdone it with the chestnut paste. I don’t think we have enough cream to mix in.” Trey sighed and deuce stepped forward “then I’ll go buy some. Do they sell it at the school store?” trey nodded “they sell pretty much everything, so…probably. Can I have you pick me up a few other things? I need two cartons of milk, two packs of eggs, some muffin cups, five cans of fruit…” 

Deuce turned to look at me “I don’t think I'll be able to carry all that back. y/n, could you come with me?” I nodded “sure, I've never been to the school store before.” grim started bouncing up and down “then i’m comin’ too! I’m getting dizzy from all this stirrin’. I need a break!” 

We three turned to leave through the cafeteria door, we rushed down the stairs and through the halls, we ran down the path through the statues and we ran to the store, I wasn’t carrying grim, he wanted to run on his own, I pushed the door open for deuce and grim to walk through, deuce looked towards the front and said “hello, can I get some he—whoa. This shop is wild. They have crystal skills, griomires, taxidermied… uh, I don’t even know what animal that is!” grim looked around “you think they sell cream here?” 

“Greetings, my stray imps, how fare you today?” I jolted and snapped my head around to see a Dr. Facilier look alike “welcome to mr.sam’s mystery shop. What among my humble selection interests you?” if this man tries to give me a tarot card reading i’m running the other way “a charm from a secluded land? The mummified remains of an ancient king? A cursed tarot card?” I smirked at Sam, “I think all of those things are cursed” he chuckled. 

“Myah! I wasn’t expecting’ this kind of selection.” grim seemed surprised, I couldn’t help but chuckle at grim’s reaction, deuce cleared his throat “um, we wanted to buy all the iteams on this list…” deuce stepped forward to hand mr.sam the list “ring up two cans of tuna while you’re on it!” deuce snapped around and looked at grim “no, grim! We’re not here for tuna!” 

I heard mr.sam hum “what’s this? Cream and eggs and… quite the sacchariferous list! I’ll get everything for you.” deuce seemed surprised “whoa… he really does stock that stuff, huh?” Mr.sam hurried towards the back as me, deuce and grim awkwardly stood there, after a couple of minutes he amerged from the shadows with all the things we needed in bags “here, you go. It’s pretty heavy… Are you sure you can carry this? Luckily for you, our 1/100ths size flying saucers are 30% off today. Perfect for carrying groceries!” 

Oh god “Ooh, lemme see! That sounds awesome!” I picked grim up with my free hand “we’re fine, thank you. Let’s go grim.” deuce said, putting money on the counter, grim started whining “myah! I didn’t realize today was national no fun allowed day!” 

Mr.sam chuckled “very well. Then until next time, my little imps. Do come again! Ciao!” us three rushed through the door and the moment we we’re outside I put grim back down “that store was amazing” deuce awed “yeah, and you’re amazingly cheap.” grim complained, deuce snapped his head around “who are you calling cheap?!” deuce looked up towards me “Hmph. y/n, looks like you got the bag with all the cans. That must be heavy.” he stopped and walked towards me. "Let me take that one. I’ve got a little trick for carrying heavy bags.” I paused and looked at him “there’s a truck for that?” 

Deuce smiled “yeah. My mom always used to stock up at sales, and the bags would get ridiculously heavy. I was the only man in the house, so I got to do all the heavy lifting and—oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to monopolize the conversation.” I smiled at deuce “sounds like you took good care of your mom.” deuce took the cans from me and started to hand me the eggs, deuce’s smile faded “no, it wasn’t like that at all. The truth is, I— oww!” some guys ran into deuce causing him to drop the eggs “myah! The eggs!” grim yelled 

“T-the carton of eggs is totally smashed! And now the bag’s dripping egg goods everywhere.” behind deuce stood two familiar faces, the assholes in the cafeteria that got pissed over an egg yolk “ouch! Why don’t you watch where you’re—hey! You’re the jerks who broke the egg yolk on my carbonara!” the white haired bitch spoke, the red haired dumbass smirked “i’ve had about enough of you punks. You need to learn your place!” 

Deuce didn’t do anything but stare at the egg carton, he slowly looked up “you’re the ones who darted out at us from around the corner. And you picked a fight with us at lunch over an egg that you were still totally able to eat. And now you’ve destroyed six of OUR eggs.” deuce spoke in an almost eerie calm tone “yeah! He’s right!” grim shouted 

“So what? You sayin’ that was our fault?” the white haired bitch spoke “I am. Please reimburse us for the eggs. And then apologize to the chickens.” deuce spoke calmly “Ooh, look who’s got his big boy pants on. You sure are makin’ a big deal outta some stupid eggs.” 


“They haven’t even touched the ground, so they’re still edible. Quit whinin’.”

“You should thank us for savin’ ya the trouble of crackin’ ‘em!” 

Both of the idiots burst into laughter, I about fucking had it. “That ain’t funny.” deuce whispered “huh?” the white haired one questioned “I said, THAT AIN’T FUNNY. You don’t get to call my eggs stupid. You don’t get to call ANY eggs stupid! Those eggs may not have gotten to be chicks, but they were gonna make some amazing tarts! Do you get it yet? DO YOU?!” 

“What is with this guy all of a sudden?!” the red haired boy stammered back “you owe me six eggs. If ya ain’t gonna pay me for em, then you’re gettin’ a bruise for each one!” 

“Are you serious right now?!” the white haired boy shouted “buckle up, jerks!” deuce screamed, Without another second of thinking I grabbed the boy closest to me and punched him as hard as I could in the face, it was the red haired boy, he fell backwards and held onto his face.  

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