The Red-Rose Tyrant 3-4

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Chapter 3-Garden Decoration - chapter 4- Student multiplication  

We actually ended up going to the hall of mirrors instead, but here we are, there were red rose bushes everywhere and the dorm looked like a palace “dang, this place is swank! This is nothing like our dumpster of a dorm!” grim said pushing up into my arms, I sighed “comparisons will only make you more miserable…” 

We walked around a bit looking for riddle, we couldn’t find him, but there was someone else “aww yeah, I am getting my pain on!” the boy had orange hair with whitish ends, his hair is in more of a bob but had some hair pulled up, he has a diamond painted on his face, he has beautiful green eyes, grim patted onto my chest, not looking up at me “ah, someone’s here” 

“They all gotta be red, or it’s ‘off with my head’!” I gasped “whoa, deja vu.” that seemed to get his attention as he turned towards me “huh…? You guys need something?” Ace looked confused “what are you doing there?” the boy looked at Ace like he was a dumbass (which he is) “are you blind? I’m painting these roses red, duh.” 

“What? Why?!” deuce seemed genuinely confused “ah ha ha. So naive, you put the ‘n’ in newb. Hold the phone, I know you! You’re the ones who broke a billion-thaumark chandelier and nearly got expelled for it, yeah?” Ace sighed “that chandelier is gonna haunt us till the day we graduate, isn’t it?” the boy pointed at Ace “and you! You’re the one who ate the housewarden’s tart that same night! You guys are THE hot topic around campus! I’ve gotta get in on this fleeting fame.” 

The boy turned around quickly, phone in there air “i’m just gonna grab a selfie real quick… it's cool if I pist this on magican, right? Gimme your names so i can tag you” 

“I’m deuce spade.” 


“I’m grim, and that’s my henchman, y/n.” 

The boy nodded “uploaded! Sweet.” he looked up from his phone “oh, I’m cater diamond, by the way. I’m a junior here at heartslabyul. But cater is fine. Or cay-cay if you’re cray-cray! Sooo nice to meetcha.” I leaned back closer to my group and whispered “wow, he seems…superficial.” they all nodded. 

Cater’s eyes landed on me “ah, you’re the prefect of that so-called Ramshackle house dorm, right? Like, I can’t believe you actually live there! It’s all gloomy and looks like hot garbage on magicam. No filter could salvage THAT dump.” 

Grim huffed and crossed his arms “y’know, you’ve done nothin’ but diss us here, pal!” cater jolted “gah, what am I doing? I don’t have time to chat! The party’s tomorrow. If we’re not ready, it’s off with my head! Hey, you kids wanna help me paint some roses?” Ace looked at me before looking back at cater “yeah, uh.. Why are you doing that exactly?” 

“Becuase red roses are so much more photogenic! Or…. something…? And after that, I’ve gotta start getting things ready for the big croquet tournament. And that means coloring all the flamingos.” cater sighed “you’re colorin’ flamingos now? Isn’t  anything the right color around here?!” 

Deuce gasped “now it’s coming into focus, ace. That tarrt you ate must have been for the housewardne’s birthday. That explains his reaction!” cater shook his head “oh, no, it’s not riddle’s birthday.” 

“It’s not? Then whose birthday is it?” Ace sounded shocked “it isn’t anyone’s birthday. Tomorrow is our dorm’s traditional unbirthday pary. It’s a special tea party we throw when no one has a birthday—if the housewarden feels like it.” 

“And why would you do that?” cater sighed at ace's question “again with the questions! Listen, I need these roses to be red. Like, yesterday. Can’t you guys help out with magic or something? Oh, but Ace is on magical house arrest and y/n is a total normie, so you two better stick to pain.” I huffed and rolled my eyes “recolor the roses with magic…” 

“Can’t say I’ve ever done this before.” grim said leaning back in my arms with crossed arms (paws) “relax, it’ll be fine. You got this! But maybe do it before I lose my head? K-thanx!” I sighed, put grim down and grabbed a paint bucket and brush, ace did too, me and ace headed to a white rose bush while everyone else used magic to paint the roses. 

After I was done I had some paint on my hands, shoes and face, but It was fun I guess. I turned to them all and shouted “done!” it seemed I turned just in time to see “red… red… BAM! Wh-whoa! It turned blue?!” deuce struggled “change, O fould color! Change! AHA!” grim yelled, the rose then burst into flame “BWAH! The rose caught on fire!” cater shook his head “wow. You’re even less competent than I thought.” I picked up grim “not his fault he’s a fire breathing cat!” I pet the top of grims head “yo, maybe you should just leave the roses white! They look perfectly pretty ‘n stuff to me.” 

Cater shook his head “it’s a matter of tradition. You can’t have an unbirthday party without the roses being red. And you can’t play croquet without seven-colored flamingos as mallets and hedgehog for a ball. Oh, but of course, the roses need to be white when the garden flowers put on their spring concert. That’s absolutely crucial.” 

Grim groaned “all your rules are completely insane!” ace and deuce nodded “they say the queen of hearts made up these rules herself—she was one of the great seven, you know. And riddle is all about tradition. Probably more than previous housewardens, T-B-H. I’ll admit that he’s, well… a bit extra.” 

“Yeah, no kidding. I sure don’t have time for this nonsense. Is riddle here? I gotta talk to him.” cater paused “yeah, probably. But are you sure that’s wise? Did you even bring an apology tart to replace the one you ate?” 

“Uh, no…? I came here first thing in the morning!” Ace shook his head “ah ah ah… that could be a problem. Have you forgotten rule 53? ‘Stolen items must be replaced.’ sif you’re not in compliance, I can’t let you in.” ace groaned “are you serious?!” cater nodded “all dorm residents must obey the rules. If I let you slide, it would be off with my head next! I hate to say it, ace, but I'm gonna need you to leave before riddle spots you. Thanx.”

“I… think this guy is for real. You guys, do something!” Ace turned to us “why should WE do anything?” deuce yelled “c’mon, please! I can’t use magic! Hurry, he’s–” ace begged before getting cut off, cater started pushing us back, we coudn’t fight back, soon we found ourselves at the gate again “do make sure you bring that tart next time, m’kay? Buh-bye now!” Ace groaned “was that guy for real?!” 

“We hit him over and over, but he just kept coming. Maybe he was using some kind of illusion magic?” deuce stated 

“So lemme get this straight: we walked in there, totally tartless, but this dude still made us do the whole song and dance before throwing us out? He just wanted to make us paint his stupid roses!” Ace yelled “we sure look like a bunch of chumps.” grim huffed “I guess we’ll just have to get an apology tart and come back. Maybe after class, we can— oh no!” 

Wait, shit, class “Oh no!” deuce gasped “we already missed the first bell! We’re gonna be late for class!” I started panicking “Shit, Shit, I’m covered in paint!” 

“Myah! I don’t wanna get blemish on the first day of my glorious night raven education! Shake a leg, chumps! To the classroom, pronto!” I picked grim up before he ran off “hey, so what class are you guys in, anyway? You’re freshmen too, right?” I nodded “the headmage said we’re in class 1-A” grim stated deuce’s eyes lit up “hey, that’s the same one i’m in. we got potionology for first period.” 

“Oh ho, yeah! That sounds awesome!” grim laughed out “m-maybe I don’t need magic for that?” Ace nervously laughed “we should probably go” I stated.

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