prologue- 9-10

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Chapter 9-Meeting a Freshman - chapter 10-Mutual Aggression + non cannon thing

After what was an extremely long walk, we finally made it to the front gates. I let out a loud huff, I feel like my legs are going to give out. (a/n : look at the image above, do you see how far that walk is?)

I grabbed the broom from the cleaning cart because this place needs to be swept a bit, Grim signed and hopped from the top of the cart. "Don't worry grim, I'll do most of the cleaning" he seemed to perk up a bit, he didn't seem as annoyed as when he thought he had to do everything I was doing.

Grim took a look around and he immediately perked up with amazement "Wow, so this is main street, huh? This is incredible! I didn't get to see much of it yesterday. What's the deal with these seven statues? All their faces look pretty scary." he stops for a second and points at the queen of hearts "like, this lady here looks like she's got some reeeal anger management issues."

I felt a smile spread across my face, I knew these people, they were the queen of hearts, jafar, hades, scar, ursula, the evil queen and maleficent, I can't believe this place has statues of disney villains.

I heard some footsteps approaching us "you don't know the queen of hearts?" I turn to see a boy with a heart by his eye, he has orange hair and pale skin, "queen of hearts? Is she some kinda big deal?" did grim not know of these people?

"She was a queen who lived in a maze-like garden of roses long, long ago." oh shit wait these people were real in this world? "She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her. You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!"

Grim looked invested in her "wah! That is seriously messed up!" the boy smiled widely "pretty cool, right? I'm a big fan. I mean, who would bother to obey a queen that was kind all the time?"

Grim nodded "yeah, true. A leader needs to be strong. But putin' that aside... who're you, now?"

The boy smiled down at grim "name's ace. I'm a first-year student here, as! Pleased to meetcha!" well he seems nice! Grim smirked "I'm Grim! I'm a prodigy who's plannin' to be, like, the greatest mage who ever lived. That there's my far less interesting hench-human" now listen here you little bitch.

Ace looked closely at my nametag "y/n'? Huh. name's got an odd ring to it." I smiled trying to ignore that grim just said "it's nice to meet you Ace." grim immediately looked uninterested and pointed at Scar "so tell me, ace. Is that lion with a scar in the eyes a famous ruler too?"

Ace smirked "of course! That's the king of beasts who ruled the savanna. But he wasn't born into the throne - he had to earn it through hard work and elaborate schemes. When he became king, he decreed that the hyenas would be pariah no more, and should live among his subjects as equals."

Well at least Ace wasn't lying to us, he truly seems to be a potential friend! I noticed grim looking around "sounds like a great guy! Not everyone's able to look past social status like that. Who's the lady with octopus legs?" he said while pointing at ursula, I really hope that Ace isn't busy today.

Ace gave Ursula one glance before speaking again "the sea witch who lived in an underwater grotto. She basically devoted her life to helping troubled merfolk. If they were willing to pay the price, she'd help them change their appearance, find love, whatever! They say she was so good, there was no wish she couldn't grant. They also say the price was a tad steep, though. But she was granting wishes! Of course it was!"

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