The Fight

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The party was an absolute blur. I met kings and queens of other realms, like Svartleheim, home of the Dwarves. After meeting the ones that had moved into Boatem I knew exactly how to communicate with them in both English and Dwarfish, much to their delight. The Elves were, well, Elves. Uptight and graceful. At least the Light Elves were. All I have to say about the Dark Elves is they and Thor got along very well.

Speaking of Thor, he decided to introduce me to his favorite drink, Mead.

"What is this?" I asked hesitantly, looking down at the sloshing brown liquid.

"Happiness in a flask. Cmon, trust me." Thor said, a mischievous grin on his face. I raised a brow at it before cautiously taking a sip.

I immediately gaged, almost dropping the goat horn. Thor erupted into deep laughter.

"Try again. Trust me." He chuckled. I glared at him. Closing my eyes, I took another sip. This time it was bearable, even nearing on sweet. My eyes went wide and I took a deeper drink. Thor laughed even harder, pulling it back slightly.

"Not so fast, Sis. Believe me, I made that mistake my first time and got drunk way too fast. Almost took Sif's head off. Pretty bad first impression." He said, his voice slowly growing distant. I could already feel a slight happy buzz in my limbs.

"Ay, Creed! Come try some of this!" I yelled across the room at Creed, who was talking to a group of Dryads. He nodded to me, and turned away from the Dryads with a wink. I rolled my eyes, but smiled.

Creed jogged up to me, and before I could say anything he had grabbed a horn and emptied it. Thor slapped his back and they cracked up.

"So your travels. Tell me about them." Thor said to us.

"I almost killed her." Creed said, putting his hands behind his head. I snorted.

"Not even close." I countered. Creed rolled his eyes with a warm smile.

"Girl you were half dead in the sand while I didn't even have a scratch on me." He said. Thor put his hand up.

"Why did you try to kill my sister?" He asked.

"A simple misunderstanding, nothing more, nothing less." Creed answered with a shrug.

"After that we went to Terra Prime for some reason. Was it to talk to The Creator?" I said. Creed nodded.

"Yeah, that was a bad idea... after that we went to Murn with The Creator to escape Kai. Which was also a bad idea. The Hunter found us." He said. Thor visible shuttered, absentmindedly rubbing a scar on his neck that went down into his shirt. We were quiet for a few moments.

"We went to Olympus to escape him, also because we thought Zeus had given me this Rift. He almost killed me on sight, which now that I know the whole dynamic between Asgard and them makes complete sense. After he got over his initial anger he actually invited us to have dinner with him and Hera. After that we, well, we came here." I said. Thor took that in for a minute, scratching his beard.

"To be completely honest with you two... I love war, but I never wanted to fight Olympus. Hercules was a good friend of mine." Thor said. I smiled slightly.

"Olympus doesn't want to fight anymore either." I said. A relived look crossed his face.

"Father will be relieved to hear that." He said.

Suddenly the shrill, piercing cry of a goat horn being blown pierced the air. We whirled around. I drew my gun, Thor his hammer, and Creed pulled a saber from his cane.

With a lightning strike a group of twelve people appeared in front of Odin.

"Hope we aren't interrupting something important." Zeus said.

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