The Hunter

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I looked at Tartarus in awe.

It was built in a massive cave. The stalactites and stalagmites served as buildings. I could see strange creatures wandering around, all with the same terrible, twisted face as The Creator. They stopped to watch us pass, a hungry look in their eyes.

"When we get to his throne room, let me do the talking. You're the first human in a thousand years to see this place. Alright?" Creed told me. I nodded.

Trollge suddenly stopped, turning to Creed.

"Why did you come back here? What's to stop me from killing you right now?" He demanded.

"Trust me, I don't wanna be here. But Gem is under my protection until she can travel on her own." Creed said flatly.

"What's to stop me from killing her too?" Trollge said, confusing me even further. These Entities changed moods fast.

"Me." Creed said. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut. Creed and Trollge stared each other down for a moment.

"That's a damn good reason. Welcome home." Trollge said slowly after a moment. "Creator, Creed, a word, please. I'll be with you soon."

Creed relaxed slightly.

"I'll be back. Don't get yourself killed." Creed said, hesitating.

"Troll Face!" Trollge boomed. Creed nodded to me quickly before walking away, leaving me alone in a city of monsters.

.  .  .

I quickly found myself in a garden of black trees with red leaves. A statue stood in the middle of the garden, bearing a striking resemblance to the one of Odin back on Terra Prime. This one was just intact.

I sat at the base, looking up at the stone man.

"Why do you feel familiar..." I said softy.

"Gem..." A whispering voice came suddenly and I lurched back, swinging my head. There was no one here.

Words in English were carved into Odins legs. I frowned, reading it:

"When all seems lost, and Neptune controls the multiverse,
A child of Asgard and of Olympus shall rise to seal the divide.
One of Asgard and one of Olympus shall unite what was once one,
And Neptunes hold shall crack like iron on stone."

I brushed my hand over it, looking up at Odin. This sounded suspiciously like a prophecy.

A raven suddenly landed in front of me, looking up with beady black eyes. It's feathers had blue streaks died through it with gold rings around its eyes. I squawked at me, jumping up onto my shoulder. I froze.

Ravens had always acted weird around me. While with everyone else I knew they were skittish and afraid of people, they were perfectly comfortable just strutting up to me and even hopping on my shoulder.

It dropped a piece of paper into my lap. I frowned, picking it up.

"I await you." It read. The raven squawked again before hopping down into my lap. Hesitantly, I stoked its head. It cooed.

"Gem!" Creed yelled. The raven squawked in surprise and disappeared in a burst of feathers. I stood, turning. Creed looked worried.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Trollge is gonna provide us with transportation." He said.


"Mount Olympus."

Dread interlaced his words.

"Olympus? Like Zeus?" I asked. He nodded.

"We're leaving. Now." He said, pulling me away from the statue of Odin. He gave me a weird look when he noticed.

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