Hail Trollge, King of The Shattered World

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To be completely honest I was enjoying myself just peaceful reading and waiting for Creed. Of course that's when all hell had to break loose.

Creed burst from the back, running from something. He was cackling like a madman.

"What did you do?!" I yelled, running after him. He laughed.

"I did a thing, and now he's pissed!" He giggled. I sighed, shoving the door open. I heard people screaming behind us.

"It's an Entity!"

"What exactly did you do?!" I yelled as we charged down the street. He laughed again.

"He was annoying me by flexing how many universes he's made. I told him 'why don't you make some bitches?' And now he wants to rip my head off." He explained. I shot him a dirty look.

Something exploded behind us and something roar. I risked a look back.

A tall creature stood there, reaching at least eleven feet tall. Its body was so skinny I could count each individual bone in its body, skin darker than tar. Its head had a striking resemblance to Creeds mask. Chunks of its face were melted off, the inside completely black. Its face was twisted with rage. It dropped on all fours, running right for us.

"What the hell is that thing?!" I screamed. It was quickly catching up with its quick strides.

"He's called The Creator. A really powerful Entity." He explained, and suddenly something grabbed me and Creed from behind, holding up by the legs. The Creator turned us to face his face, snarling. Creed put his hands behind his head, looking relaxed and smirking cockily.

"I should rip you limb from limb and feed your soul to The Predator." The Creator snarled in a deep, booming voice. Creed shrugged.

"Go ahead, tear me apart. Won't get you no bitches. And you know the rules. You aren't allowed to kill an Entity above you." He said calmly. The Creator roared in his face, black liquid flying from his mouth and soaking Creed.

"Aw, cmon man, this is a new jacket!" He protested. The Creator ignored him, looking at me.

"Who are you?" He demanded. I sucked in a deep breath, trying to pass off as cocky as Creed. And judging from the looks on their faces, I failed miserably.

"My names Gem, and I don't like being dangled by my leg if you don't mind." I said. He glared at me.

"Petty words for a girl that is high enough to fall and snap her neck." He growled.

"Kill her and I put yo ass in the ground." Creed piped in.

"Freeze, Entities! You're surrounded!" A voice boomed. I craned my neck, looking around us. Guards in light grey armor surrounded us, aiming spears of blue energy. The Creator set us down cautiously, slowly turning. I put my hand on my gun.

The guards parted, and a man in jet black armor and no helmet passed. He carried a sword with a red energy blade. He had a Olive complexion, messy black hair, and a long, nasty scar running down his face. His eyebrows were scrunched up. The worst part was, I recognized him.

"Now what do we have here? Two Trollge Entity's and a freed Subject walk into Neptonium City. Sounds like the beginning of a joke." Kai said with a sadistic glint in his eyes.

.  .  .

Grian had warned me about Kai. Kai had been the most ruthless out of his squadron, and had quickly caught The Watchers eye. The Watcher had made him head of Containment, whatever that meant. But Kai was a full-born Watcher, completely lacking any sense of compassion, just like the rest of his species.

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