Part 11

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I woke up after some time. My head is aching a lot. I saw someone sleeping inside the blanket beside me. I didn't dare to see because I know it was Taehyung who is sleeping. I remembered everything I did. I remembered that I kissed him and made him sleep beside me. 

I got down from the bed and saw that my clothes are changed. I thought I had sex with Taehyung. I felt so bad. Then I realized that Taehyung is still sleeping on the bed so now it's a better chance to escape from home.

I went into the living room and was searching for the main door key. I found the key and started unlocking the door quietly without making any sound. 

Sabrina caught me.

Sabrina: What are you doing, Sasha? Please don't go.

Sasha: Please, eonnie. don't stop me. I can't live here. I want to live freely. I want some freedom. Please understand. You are anyway leaving from here. I will come back when you return back. Please don't stop me this time.

Sabrina: Okay. I am not saying anything. Just take care.

I stepped out of the house. I entered the garden and saw Taheyung sitting there and reading a newspaper in the evening. I was shocked and stood there for a while and slowly I tried to escape from him. 

Taehyung saw Sabrina after 2 minutes and said " I thought you just left"

Sabrina: No. That's Sasha.

Taehyung: What...

Taehyung saw me and started running to catch me. I started running fast to escape from Taehyung. I almost reached the gate. But the gate is locked. I started panicking that Taehyung might catch me and make me go inside the house again. 

I climbed the gate and went outside the gate and started running.

Taehyung went back and came to search for me in his car along with his manager.

Sabrina left home and went to Daegu. 

I kept running and took a taxi. I got down to an unknown place in a taxi.

The taxi left.

Taheyung kept calling my phone.

Sabrina answered the call.

Taehyung: Noona. why did you answer the call? Is Sasha with you?

Sabrina: No. I took her phone a few days as she was always talking to a man on Instagram on phone. Did you find her?

Taehyung: Noona.. why did you do that? The man she was talking to on Instagram is me. I am that Kim Min Kyu. I will call you after I find her. Take care.

Taehyung kept searching for me.

It's night. He still kept searching for me. 

I somehow reached the main road and sat at a bus stop. 

Taehyung was searching the whole night. 

Suga was going on a business trip at 3 AM from that main road and saw me at the bus stop.

Suga called Taehyung at 3 AM in the morning.

Suga: Taehyung-ah... where are you?

Taehyung: Hyeong. I am a little busy. I will call you later. Is it urgent?

Suga: No. I just called to tell you that I saw your girlfriend here at the bus stop. Okay, call me later. Bye.

Taehyung: Hyeong... hyeong.. hyeong... don't cut the call. Where did you see her?

Suga: Near Gyeonggi bus stop. 

Taehyung: Thank you, hyeong! I will call later, okay? I am going to meet her.

Taehyung came to Gyeonggi bus stop and saw me sitting at the bus stop shivering in cold weather.

Taehyung came to me and gave me his jacket and hugged me tightly.

 Sasha: Leave me. Leave me. 

Taehyung: Okay. But don't remove the jacket. It's cold here. 

Taehyung touched my hands and saw that they are cold.

He took me inside the car and rubbed his hands onto mine to make my hands warm. 

He took me home. He made me a warm drink to keep myself warm from the cold. 

It's 5 AM in the morning. He was sleepy. He took good care of me until I felt warm. He made me sleep and made sure that I slept. He saw that I am running a fever. He kept pressing the wet towel soaked in warm water on my forehead till the next day morning without sleeping. 

He slept the whole day that day after I woke up and had my breakfast.

I woke up and saw taehyung sleeping on the sofa. 

My fever is gone completely. I had my breakfast. Taehyung is still sleeping.

I am still thinking about TAehyung that why did he take very good care of me. I started thinking about him that why is he still sleeping. Is he sick? I even went and checked his forehead by putting my hand. 

TAehyung woke up at that moment and asked " what are you doing?" 

Sasha: umm... nothing. 

I left. I went to the living room. 

Taehyung got ready and came to the living room. He had his lunch and gave me a new phone and said " use this from now on and I am leaving now. I have some meeting at my company. I will  come in the evening" and he left.

I stayed at home. 

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