Same Killer, New Crew

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The van rolled across the cracked roads of Imp City, it's passengers ready to work, except one. Y/N sat on the decaying seats, wondering how long they have been like this. He stared at the window, seeing all the gray buildings blending into one another, as almost all creativity had run out. Then there would be spurts of color and actually effort put into businesses, instead of quick money grabs. The van eventually pulled into a parking lot of a large gray building, with giant imp horns protruding from the upper sides. The gray vehicle pulled recklessly into a parking space and Blitzø turned it off. 'Guess we're here' Y/N thought as everyone began to exit the van.

Y/N stepped out into the parking lot and followed the imps into the building. "So what exactly is it you guys do again?" He asked, knowing that they killed people, but not the specifics on the whole process.

"We're hired out, kill people, get paid. Sometimes we're bodyguards but don't expect us to do it often," Blitzø said as the group continued to walk down the hall towards the elevator.

"Other demons in Hell hire us to take care of problems that are left abandoned on Earth. It could be a grudge, an ex-lover, drug ring, etc." Moxxie said, clarifying Blitz's short explanation.

"We have a commercial if you want to see it. It explains it pretty well" Millie said, offering even more help to understand their business.

"Uh, no thanks I'm good. I think I got the idea down" Y/N said, but deep down while scrolling through Hell TV, he noticed the commercial playing on one channel, on an eternal loop it seemed like. However, it went for so long that the footage became corrupted, and very annoying. He made sure to cross that channel off. He only realized in this moment that the imps who glitched and had distorted voices were the imps that stood in front of him.

The four got into the elevator and began to rise to the floor where the "'magic happened". The elevator shook and rattled along the shaft as it traversed upwards. The doors slid open after a glitchy ding. They walked out and immediately Y/N could tell where their office was. It had red signage with scribbles all around the windows, like someone took their child to work. The four of them entered the office and there Y/N met another member of the team.

They stepped inside and Y/N saw a large hellhound sitting at a receptionist desk, scrolling through her phone. Judging by the lack of care she had, either she was a really bad receptionist, or business wasn't exactly booming here.

"This here is our wonderful receptionist Loona," Blitzø said with glee, pride spewing from his words. The hellhound continued to stare at her phone, and not acknowledge the world around her at the moment. Or maybe she was acknowledging it, she just wasn't responding back.

"Yeah so this is where shit goes down," Blitzø said, kind of done with the tour already. His office was something he didn't really want to show off, just a place where he talked to clients and maybe took care of some personal things.

"Huh. So what, do we just wait for someone to come in screaming for us to kill someone or what?" Y/N asked as he sat down on the couch, trying to find a comfortable spot. He could tell by the discoloration and slight stench that either this thing had been through a lot with this company, or it was picked up in an alley or on the side of the road.

"People usually call us now. I mean, we get some walk-ins from time to time" Millie said as she stood next to Moxxie, recalling their past clienteles' introductions.

"So people call you guys and say 'Hey I want some people dead and I'll give a boatload of cash', and you guys take it seriously. Like they're lying or something?" Y/N asked as he leaned back, hearing the thin sticks of wood crackle slightly.

"Look kid, we've been doing this for a while, and we know what we're doing. This is a great fucking company, and we just picked your whore ass up in the middle of nowhere, so I'm not too keen on you judging how we operate" Blitzø said, getting in Y/N's face. Y/N leaned forward as well, the two's eyes having an intense battle. Y/N could tell Blitzø got angered by this deeply. Was this all he had? Or was there a deeper significance of this company that represented something from his past? He would leave Blitzø to his demons, as Y/N continued to conquer his own.

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