An Odd Disturbance

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After bringing a new patron to the hotel, plus the onslaught he caused, Y/N was quite exhausted. After exchanging a few pleasantries with everyone, he headed up to his and Charlie's suite before falling asleep as soon as he laid on the bed. His mind faded to darkness as the events of the day became yesterday. Now, Y/N, even though happily married and at peace with the fact that he turned into a carnage addict, he still had the occasional nightmares. Tonight was one of the nights for these spectacles of fear to present themselves onto the stage of Y/N's mind.

He found himself in a meat plant at night. It was still in Hell, but seemed like it was somewhat connected to Earth. Y/N walked around the decaying warehouse, noticing the immense staining and molding on the conveyor belts and pits where animal carcasses were mushed into something found at your local grocery store. He walked around, slightly disturbed at this and also given the decay of the building. The faded red bricks were cracked, as time had proven to be the victor, with some bricks straight up missing. Y/N was astonished that the building was still standing. Of course this was a nightmare, but these night terrors always had a sense of realism. They just had a dark turn on Y/N's life. As if what he had experienced in his life wasn't dark enough, his mental-scape had to be as well. Just his luck.

He wandered the abandoned building until he began to hear voices. He slowly crept around the corner and saw a few figures standing in a circle, around a brazier. This brazier was the only well kept thing in here. It looked to have been moved in, which makes sense because why was there a brazier in a meat plant? Its flame grew high, and casted the figures' shadows at the same height. Y/N couldn't understand what they were saying, but this whole meeting was definitely demonic. He couldn't see faces either. They all had the same black cloaks on, the hoods covering their faces. All except one. One had purple detailing on their cloak, making them seem like the leader or higher authority of this group. They raised their hands above the fire, and shifted from an orange and yellow hue, to a greenish-blue color. Y/N was starting to get unsettled, not sure where this was heading. He backed up instinctively and stepped on a wire, which gave out a quiet crunch.

Somehow the weathering had made this wire grow old and useless, literally making it a shell of what it once was. Or maybe this is where Y/N's nightmare would become more terror based than reality based. Either way, Y/N didn't have time to think as every figure looked at him. He tried to move but he was frozen in place. When he looked at the figures, he felt no fear and uneasiness. However, when he looked at the one in charge, he felt slight discomfort. He also noticed from the back another person emerged, wearing the same cloak as the one leader in the group. 'Okay, two leaders?' He thought, trying to figure out what this mind escapade meant. Suddenly, violet eyes stared back at him from the original leader and Y/N fell into the void, as he saw shadows surround him, and drown him in the dark.

He then saw.....himself. Dead. His body, in corrupted form, was covered in blood. His and someone else's. He observes various bruises and cuts along his body, but pays attention to the main issue, a staff embedded in his chest. He couldn't see what the handle looked like, because it had been broken, but it was very spherical. He looked around to see the Hazbin crew crying, upset at their friend's demise. 'But they know I can resurrect myself, right? Why are they sad?' Y/N thought as he scanned the faces of everyone. Husk looked on at the corpse in shock, Nifty had little tears descending down her face, and Alastor looked down solemnly, as if the warrior he raised had fought his final battle. But that couldn't be true, could it? He saw Angel's face, genuine tears in his eyes, but they stayed in there, before he quickly wiped them away. He just stared at the body. Vaggie kneeled beside Charlie, comforting her as her face showed great pain. Sure, he and Vaggie never became real best buds, but they cared about each other. Or at least, Y/N thought so. According to this nightmare this was also true. Charlie sat on her knees, balling her eyes out. 'Who could've done this?' Y/N thought, looking around the environment, as slowly things came into focus. He then saw another body, not too far from his. In fact it was right next to it. It was Lilith's.

Corrupted: Death Follows (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now