SOLD! To the Player On the Back Row. [#4]

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It’s not unusual for me to wake up early. Especially when I’m in a different bed. It’s weird, isn’t it? You wake up and have a mini-heart attack, thinking ‘WHERE AM I?!’ It always smells different as well. I remember when I stayed at my sister’s friend’s house and his bed just stank of B.O. It was disgusting. You know when you actually contemplate spraying it with Febreze? And then they come in and say, ‘why are you spraying my bed sheets with Febreze? And all you can think of to say is, ‘I just love the smell.’ No? Just me? Okay.

So, after I told myself where I was and calmed the fudge down, I jumped from the top bunk to the ground and went straight to the bathroom. Now, seeing as this was not my house and a sleepover was not intended, I had no toothbrush. NO. TOOTHBRUSH. Meltdown. Curse my high-hygiene standards! Wow, say that when you’re drunk! I looked around in the cupboards frantically searching for a new, still packaged brush but no luck. What a dirty family. If I had my own house, I’d have MILLIONS of spare toothbrushes. Bit optimistic though – like I’ll have visitors when I’m older. I’m gonna be one of those cat ladies, fo’sho. I slummed it with mouthwash but I couldn’t get the words ‘dirty bitch!’ out of my head.

I wandered downstairs and into the kitchen to find Gina tidying it up. I wasn’t surprised to see her up, to be honest. It was early and she always naturally woke up as soon as the sun came into her room.

“Hello, you!” she smiled, putting her cloth down. She quickly washed her hands to give me hug whilst saying, “Didn’t expect you to be up this early.”

I just grinned. “I’m an early riser,” I took a seat on one of the barstools at the island like I used to. It was weird – I felt so normal here. Maybe it was because Scott wasn’t in the room yet and I was just with the woman who I spent more time with during my childhood than my own mother. YAY for happy relations...

“I remember,” she said, picking up her cloth again. Washing her hands was a bit pointless, wasn’t it? Aw, Phoebe. Don’t be mean. She did that so she could give you a hug. AWWW CUTIE-AWARDS! “But even so,” she carried on, “you had a late night last night – didn’t you, darl?”

I instantly remembered the image of her in her dressing gown with a face that said, ‘WTF IS GOING ON?!’ I frowned, “Oh, Gine – I’m so sorry!”

She just waved away my concern with yet another smile. I knew she was happy all the time but seriously? She just didn’t get angry. Maybe she’d get angry if I pummelled her with avocados. Why avocados? Possibly because they were sitting on the island in front of me. But – HANG ON. Why was I thinking of pummelling Gina? What’s wrong with me?! “Don’t worry about it!” she said, making me feel even guiltier about my strange imaginary avocado fight. “Honestly, I’ve had it way worse.”

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “Worse than him shouting your name at the top of his voice?” I asked incredulously. I mean, how you can get worse than that? I’m one of those people who hate noise. Like... despise it! Unless it’s me making it, you can shut the eff up, thanks. My sister learnt very quickly not to wake me up with noise. She came in singing ‘Good morning, good MORNING, you slept the whole night through’. You know, that song off something lame like ‘Singing in the Rain’? Either way, she nearly ended up with a broken nose. It wasn’t my fault... it was the radio’s. The radio that I threw at her face. Good times. <3


Jeez. Try living that down in the Thornton household...

She nodded reluctantly but was still grinning, “One night, he came home with a traffic cone on his head and one of those – what are they called? Blow horns?”

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