Chapter 8

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Dedication: Totalbandslut for all the comments (:

I think we've all seen the picture that goes with this gif, but until recently I didn't even know there was a gif for it.

Luke only has a sprained ankle. He has to stay overnight, and right now I'm sitting in the waiting room, bouncing my leg nervously.

"Hey," Calil says, coming back into the waiting area and handing me a cup of water. "Are you ready to leave?"

"What?" I ask, then shake my head. "I'm not leaving."


"If you want to, then go back to the house. I'm going to stay here."

"Ashton, he'll be fine. You shouldn't stay here and worry about him."

I merely shrug and pull my knees up to my chest, only the heels of my shoes fitting onto the small chair. I put my head on my knees and look down.

I hear Calil sigh, then say, "Okay, well, call me if you need me."

I look up to see her walking away, and then I look back down again.

This is going to be a long night.

I don't even know why I care about Luke so much. We aren't dating, and, even though he's cute, he's annoying. He can't just say stuff like he tripped because he saw me. I still feel uncomfortable because of what he said.

His words have a certain affect on me, and I hate it. I also hate that I'm waiting for him when I know he won't be out until tomorrow.

I stay staring down for a while, until my legs start to cramp, so I put them back on the ground and look around me.

It's eight at night, and the only other people in the waiting room are a lady who's crying, and a girl, probably her daughter, trying to comfort her.

I don't like seeing people cry, so I stand and walk out of the waiting room. I walk around for a bit, but soon a doctor tells me that visiting hours are over, and that if I want to stay, I'll have to stay either in the waiting room or the cafeteria. So, I settle for the cafeteria.

I get myself another cup of coffee, then sit down at a table.

There are more crying people in here, and I sigh. Crying people remind me of my mom, because she used to cry a lot.

I stand again and walk out of the cafeteria, sipping on my coffee as I do so. As I pass by a storage closet, I see a nurse coming out of it, and I stop in my tracks.

"No way," I whisper to myself, turning back around so that I'm facing the closet.

The nurse passes by me and gives me a small smile, and once he's gone I turn to the closet.

I look both ways to make sure no one is around, then quickly open the door and slip inside.

There are a few nurses outfits on a rack at the back of the closet, and I only hesitate for a second before setting my coffee down on a shelf and grabbing an outfit that looks similar to my size.

I quickly change into the outfit, then shove my clothes in a corner of the room. I put a mop in front of them to hide them, and once I make sure I look okay, I grab my coffee and leave the room, trying to avoid anyone I can, if possible.

I throw my coffee away in a nearby trash can, then head up to Luke's room.

I open the door, and he looks at me, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Um, hi," he says awkwardly, and I nod at him as I close the door.


"Why are you wearing that, and why are you still here?"

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