Chapter 4

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When either Luke or Ashton give the other heart or bedroom eyes it makes me feel all happy.


This chapter is weird. Don't judge me for it.

"Luke!" I groan loudly, drawing out the 'u' in his name. "Shut the fuck up!" My face is in my pillow, making my words a bit muffled.

"But I'm busy."

"Can you be 'busy' somewhere else? Jesus Christ, you're loud."

He huffs and stops writing in his notebook, looking up from it to glare at me. He's sitting on the chair across the room, which he seems to like more than his bed.

"I was just writing," he mumbles, closing his notebook and standing. He carefully places it on his bed, then, much to my annoyance, sits down next to me on mine.

"You write loudly," I respond.

"You're whiny."



"At least I'm not annoyingly loud."

"You think I'm annoyingly loud now?" He raises an eyebrow, and I nod.

He glares at me for a few seconds, then grabs his phone from his dresser. He types angrily on it, and I'm not really sure what he's doing, until the intro to King For A Day starts.

"Dare me to jump off of this Jersey bridge?" Luke screams in my ear, starting right with Vic.

The sudden loudness of his voice startles me, and my eyes widen as Luke continues to scream, and then he starts singing the chorus.

I think he's trying to annoy me, but, honestly, he just looks and sounds really fucking hot.

I mean, seriously, he can do screamo. How is that not hot?

At least his voice is only for my ears to hear right now. The older kids live in rooms with soundproof walls, because people, especially younger kids, break down into tantrums a lot, and the rest of us don't want to hear them. So, their walls aren't soundproof, so that Mrs. Lenolia can hear them if need be, but the older kids rooms are. Well, they aren't completely soundproof. Sound still travels through the doors, but at least the walls are soundproof.

When he continues on with the song, staring at me defiantly, I smirk and stand.

"Hail Mary," I start, and Luke falters a bit, probably surprised that I'm countering his attack. "Forgive me. Blood for blood, heart's beating. Come at me, now this is war!"

Luke stops completely as I scream the last note, and he just stares at me with his mouth open.

"Don't challenge me," I say smugly, flicking his nose. "Especially with singing. I can beat you any day."

"Is that a challenge?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

I shrug. "Maybe."

He picks up his phone and makes a few more taps, and then another song is playing, and I recognize it immediately.

"Aw, come on, not this song!" I exclaim.

"Why not? You can't handle it?"

"It's too high! Can you reach those notes?"

"Watch and learn, shortie." He clears his throat, then starts to sing along with the song, "Don't give me up." He pauses along with the song and nods his head to the beat, then, when it's time, repeats, "Don't give me up."

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